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Shiningtoaster t1_iycxwfy wrote

This is sick... Russia needs to be thrown out of Ukraine, asap.

The West should just give Ukraine weapons to hammer Russian cities far beyond the border to incentivize them to retreat


continuousQ t1_iydqfqi wrote

Not cities, bases. Destroy all their aircraft, ships and missile launch sites. Russia doesn't need incentives, they have plenty if that mattered. They need to lose their entire military.


TheFishFromUnderTheC t1_iyen00g wrote

Yeah, bombing cities makes a population resent the attacking force. Only bomb army bases and strategic points. The more you avoid the general populous, the better.


AllLovingVillian t1_iyf6lc2 wrote

Sherman ended the American Civil War by razing Georgia to the ground. Total war works, you have to commit fully.


djbtech t1_iyf9u04 wrote

Nukes ended the last "total war"

Care to double down on WWIII?


DrFunkenstyne t1_iyfa54m wrote

What may have worked then doesn't necessarily work now. The prevalence of cel phones and the resulting videos of war atrocities make it very hard to garner support for such acts. Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.


[deleted] t1_iye03dy wrote



Appropriate_Grade816 t1_iye2d28 wrote

Not just morally, but your plan to terrorbomb Russian cities is completely idiotic from a military-strategic perspective too. Attacks against civilians increase resolve, it does not lessen it. We are lucky people like you are not in charge of the Ukrainian military.


antibacterialsoap t1_iye7pjw wrote

It CAN increase resolve. I think it probably would for Russian civilians. But strategic bombing of cities can also completely break opposition. Russia succeeded this way against Syria with completely annihilating their cities. Those same commanders that got their experience in Syria are running the show now in Ukraine.


Appropriate_Grade816 t1_iyeend9 wrote

In Syria there were large amounts of troops capable of mounting campaigns on the ground, the Russians do not have that capability in Ukraine. Moreover, the Syrian conflict is still ongoing with rebels across the country.


antibacterialsoap t1_iyeqngi wrote

To be clear, I think it would be a bad move ethically and strategically to bomb Russian cities.

I just think sometimes in certain conflicts against certain opponents, this can yield the horrific results so desired by the people giving those orders.


gotBanhammered t1_iye1jtg wrote

Hurting civilians is never the answer. By your logic Israel should start executing Palestinian civilians.


FapToMySkill t1_iye5pxt wrote

Wait they don't already?


gotBanhammered t1_iye804x wrote

Newsflash: More Russian soldiers died this year than all Palestinians... In all wars...


FapToMySkill t1_iyeml99 wrote

I'm sorry but who asked about that?


gotBanhammered t1_iyepu0k wrote

Putting into perspective the myth that Palestinians are being randomly executed/genocided.


FapToMySkill t1_iyett0f wrote

Myth? How much do you get paid? :D


Edit: found that you served in Iranian military. Explains the bias.


kingtz t1_iyes27m wrote

Additionally, the rest of the world needs to just sanction Russia back to the Stone Ages.

When Putin's generals and soldiers are starving and unable to get Western Medicine and other necessities, they'll be less likely to follow his immoral orders.


TheHollowJester t1_iyexep3 wrote

After this conflict ends, if we want peace r*ssia has to be dismantled. Treaty of Versailles scenario won't work as proven in the past.

Otherwise they'll recoup the losses, play nice for like 20 years and attack someone again, only this time do it better.


[deleted] t1_iyd0zt4 wrote



Only_the_Tip t1_iyd2rrk wrote

Russia is responsible. Either directly or from the propaganda they shit out constantly on their Russian language broadcasts.


AleixASV t1_iydu5wb wrote

Biden... In Madrid? The US is not the world.