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TomatilloTime796 t1_ix1gu7p wrote

Notice the silence when another dictator bombs a sovereign country and attacks civilians who want freedom


volantredx t1_ix1mxl2 wrote

Turkey is a NATO ally. The West literally can't do anything because they're all part of the same alliance. Is NATO going to supply a nation against other NATO nations?


Nebulaxis t1_ix1jlzh wrote

Anyone gets the same, if they try to wake the angry man up. Do it this to any another country like USA, Russia etc. reaction will be the same. Zero fucks given to that everyone follows their interest in 21st century. If you're the blockage on the road, just dont surprise when you get wiped out.


TomatilloTime796 t1_ix68rhr wrote

Turks lie about everything, Turkey is basically just North Korea but in the middle-east, they're not allies now nor have they ever been allies, in fact all throughout history the Ottomans were the enemy of the west, they destroyed the Parthenon fyi and robbed the Egyptian Pyramids. They're not a friend of the west nor are they welcome in the west


Gopu_17 t1_ix1kel6 wrote

The only reason the west is opposing Russia is because Russia is an enemy. They don't care about Ukranian civilians in the least. The west will turn a blind eye to any invasion as long as it's done by an ally. We have already seen this in Yemen.


[deleted] t1_ix1nktl wrote



Gopu_17 t1_ix2khue wrote

Being against western war crimes is not supporting Houthis. Both of them are bad.


Elvis_does_reddit t1_ix1j9iy wrote

The US had the Kurds’ back until coward and traitor trump sold them out to erdrogan. Probably to shut erdrogan up about the Kashoggi killing so jarred and Ivanka could get their $2billion “loan” from mbs. It’s a twisted and bitter tale of murder and corruption, that will probably never be invested and punished.


Armchairbroke t1_ix1pu3f wrote

US had some of the Kurdish militias back as long as they were useful to US foreign policy. Kurds are not united, there are many many different factions, which some are on USA’s terrorist list.


Hayanomie t1_ix1u8kp wrote

This is a common lie that is repeated all the time. Trump never withdrew and maintained a force of about 900 always present.

>There are currently 700 U.S. troops in northeast Syria and 200 in southeast Syria near the Syrian-Jordanian border, the Pentagon said last October, down from a publicly disclosed high of 2,000 in 2018. There is also a small contingent of British special forces.


whatsthepointinit t1_ix4tepn wrote

That doesn't change the fact that our leaving caused major problems for any minorities living there. More than half of our troops left, that's not nothing.