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shrlytmpl t1_iy3tzac wrote

It's not black or white. More and more we're learning about the severity of long covid, which affects almost one in five of all cases. Not just old people, in fact, they're less likely to get it.

People forget we're still in the impact zone of this thing as it hasn't even been three years since it started, and we're much better off than we should be considering vaccines usually take five to ten years to develop,vaccine%20doses%20for%20widespread%20distribution

So the answer isn't "just get covid". It's to continue to take reasonable precautions while we continue to figure this thing out.

Vaccine hesitancy is perfectly understandable for one that was developed so quickly. But per this data, this may be one of the largest "trials" in history, and they're proven to work

Masks, however, are the most effective, easiest, and most affordable action we can take. They're not perfect, but their effectiveness goes up considerably the more people wear them.


CatProgrammer t1_iy4olo8 wrote

That's all irrelevant anyway. As far as I am aware, no Western country took anywhere near the extreme actions China did, nor did any that weren't isolated islands actually try to achieve "zero COVID" to any significant degree. Even back in 2020 the rhetoric was "flatten the curve", not "eliminate the curve". Pretending that the protests over Chinese restrictions are anything similar to the people protesting at times when most Western restrictions had been lifted anyway is misleading at best.


shrlytmpl t1_iy4p1gv wrote

Correct. China's handling went the complete opposite direction and much too far. But too many people use them as an example to justify having no covid precautions whatsoever.


dr_guitar t1_iy3z2mk wrote

If you’re worried that’s fine, I get that.. but I hope you and other concerned folks will just wear your own n95s and let me be. I don’t want more mandates.


shrlytmpl t1_iy3zqye wrote

Mandates shouldn't be necessary if people used their freedom of choice to choose the responsible and safe thing rather than to simply wanting to be a contrarian. Otherwise that's like saying "if you're afraid of car crashes then you can drive safe as long as you let me be while I drive drunk over the speed limit. I don't want any laws." Particularly with pandemics, your choices affect everyone around you as well.


dr_guitar t1_iy40xq0 wrote

Alternatively you could exercise your own freedom of choice to either wear an n95 or stay home and let the vast majority of us who’ve moved on live our lives.


shrlytmpl t1_iy41xb5 wrote

I can't force you to do anything. I've supplied all the data so if you wish to continue endangering your health and the health of your loved ones simply because it's easier to succumb to your trauma and pretend everything is OK rather than accepting this new threat exists and doing the responsible thing, then that's up to you.


dr_guitar t1_iy42qse wrote

Thank you, I appreciate that.. that’s all I want. I support your right to make your own health decisions as well. We may not agree 100% on approach but I respect you- and also I appreciate that you provided your sources for your argument. Cheers!


Groovygranny121760 t1_iy96ou7 wrote

Whatever the CDC says HAS TO BE TRUE, right?


shrlytmpl t1_iy9dkf0 wrote

Do you have any scientific sources that say otherwise?


shrlytmpl t1_iy9hvm0 wrote

None of these contradicts that 1 in 5 of all cases get long covid, and they're not even science journals, they're propaganda sites. You OK?


Groovygranny121760 t1_iyah1t2 wrote

I am saying that just because the CDC says something it is not necessarily true. When the CDC retracts their own statements... that proves my point. And, yes, thank you, I am fine 😉


shrlytmpl t1_iyaitkt wrote

Actually if they get something wrong and retract it, that makes me trust them more rather than some idiot politician who doubles down when he's proven wrong. Scientists aren't born with all future knowledge already in their head, they make a theory, test it, then adjust it if necessary. Because of the nature of covid they weren't able to do this in the privacy of a lab so we all got to see the process play out. I'm disappointed people don't understand this, we learned this in elementary school. Maybe you need a refresher.


Groovygranny121760 t1_iyamq0f wrote

I'm amazed that people would risk their health before a drug is proven.

And AGAIN... my comment inferred that the CDC isn't always right. I surely do appreciate the fact that they admitted their mistakes/falsehoods/lies


shrlytmpl t1_iyap9al wrote

I'll be perfectly honest with you, I was secretly glad that the elderly and immunocompromised were given first dibs at the vaccine for that very reason. That in itself was a much bigger "trial" than anything they could have done in a lab, and if it proved to be safe and effective on the weakest among us, then by the time my age group was eligible I felt confident getting the vaccine.

CDC isn't always right, but this isn't a hypothesis they're experimenting with. This is collected data. You can't mess that up. Might that data change over time? Yes, but right now it says that a massive number of people, even if they were asymptomatic, are suffering from lasting health issues due to covid.


Groovygranny121760 t1_iybzcuz wrote

I'm glad you got the vaccine. I'm glad you are okay. I'm glad I'm okay. And I'm glad that we can agree that, with an experimental vaccine, things can change.


shrlytmpl t1_iyd11go wrote

My grandma and uncle aren't OK, though. They both died because people listened to crybaby politicians instead of scientists when it came to wearing masks. Unfortunately the vaccine didn't come fast enough for them.


Groovygranny121760 t1_iy96wub wrote

I haven't worn a mask a dozen times and will not unless in a hospital/doctor office.