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Force3vo t1_iy468kk wrote

I love how gullible people apparently have become when it's in favor of authocracies. This "The truth is somewhere in the middle, always" bullshit needs to stop.

China would never in a million years post anything officially that's not implying they are the greatest in everything. Why people choose to believe that I don't understand.

Same with russia and their claims of being decades ahead militarily of the rest of the world. If your source has shown zero interest in truth stop believing them...


Tamrannman t1_iy5teht wrote

The truth is somewhere in the middle applies to alot of things BUT and thats an astronomically huge but, in order for it to apply the "argument" or whatever has to be where both sides argue in good faith and with the same assumptions. Sad to see so many just eating up the words of authoritative voices just because they are authoritative. "They are very authoritative, so they must know what they are talking about" or whatever :(