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dopestloser t1_ixpf56i wrote

That's really sad you'd say that about someone rather than just that you don't think their ideas are right.


hexiron t1_ixq7nnl wrote

They're saying it about people who have been given ample empirical evidence their hypothesis are incorrect as well as ample opportunities to accept that reality.

Instead they choose not to, double down on ignorance, and spread fraudulent information for profit.

That's why they are horrible people.


VocalCord t1_ixrfe7g wrote

They prey on ignorance for profit.

They create fictitious narratives to promote their brands.

They try to draw parallels between fairytales and mountains of carefully accumulated scientific research, and then have the audacity to call it "free thinking".

Not only are they garbage humans, they are criminally dangerous and should be called out at every opportunity


gwtkof t1_ixphx9p wrote

They're really fucking this up for the rest of us, not gonna lie.
