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gburgwardt t1_iydoom5 wrote

15% over 20 years is pretty weak

Just tax plastic, this isn’t difficult. That’ll account for the externalities from plastic waste and encourage manufacturers to switch to alternatives


griffsor t1_iydzbz3 wrote

Or those companies will just increase the price of the product because the big bad government taxed them more.


gburgwardt t1_iydzevx wrote

Yes, and consumers will be pushed toward cheaper alternatives. That's the point


Odin52573 t1_iyesnby wrote

The problem with that is that plastic is cheap as hell and not recycling helps a lot with that price.

You need to make everything 200-300% more expensive for anything to be cost competitive and even that would not mean much.


gburgwardt t1_iyet5c2 wrote

Just price in the externality and problem solved


ToughQuestions9465 t1_iydzjuf wrote

Until someone uses an alternative and undercuts their competitors, gaining an advantage.


autotldr t1_iydj4e2 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)

> The new rules, which will have to be approved by EU member states and the European parliament, are intended to tackle the surge in plastic and other packaging waste.

> The EU passed a law in 2019 to ban the most common single-use plastic items, such as plastic cutlery, stirrers and straws, but officials want to go further to tackle soaring amounts of packaging rubbish.

> Under the latest proposals, EU member states would have to reduce packaging waste per capita by 15% by 2040 compared with 2018.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: packaged^#1 plastic^#2 Commission^#3 waste^#4 single-use^#5


autotldr t1_iyds8xu wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)

> The new rules, which will have to be approved by EU member states and the European parliament, are intended to tackle the surge in plastic and other packaging waste.

> The EU passed a law in 2019 to ban the most common single-use plastic items, such as plastic cutlery, stirrers and straws, but officials want to go further to tackle soaring amounts of packaging rubbish.

> Under the latest proposals, EU member states would have to reduce packaging waste per capita by 15% by 2040 compared with 2018.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: packaged^#1 plastic^#2 Commission^#3 waste^#4 single-use^#5


Overweighover t1_iyf1p7x wrote

But I though plastic recycling was working