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ciunnc t1_iy7zdg2 wrote

How is this 'normal' or being casual about, just 400 death, its because they treat this imported workers as expendables just like machineries.


timojenbin t1_iy95lh0 wrote

Cruelty is fine as long as the middle and upper class aren't affected too much.
In this case most of the 400 are "guest" workers which is very close to saying 'enslaved'.


Content_Ad_2729 t1_iy83qn5 wrote

Yes. They'd sacrifice ten thousand foreigners to save one of their own.


avanross t1_iy9otyf wrote

I hate that the whole world is just going along with it like it’s normal I wish my countries media would refuse to televise the event, or the broadcast crews that they sent would just refuse to work..


1838438282 t1_iy7x5ni wrote

Unsurprisingly, Qatar has strongly disputed these figures, claiming that only 37 deaths have occurred among workers on stadium construction sites: three have been attributed to work accidents and 34 to other causes (10 of which involved men aged between 20 and 40).




sooo which is the lie?


SideburnSundays t1_iy895rr wrote

As if it matters which is a lie. In any 1st World Country the death toll would have been 0.

ITT people who don’t know how to compare apples to apples.


dh1 t1_iy8koe8 wrote

That’s what I was going to say as well. Any modern country would start serious investigations if the death toll on a project exceeded 1 person.


[deleted] t1_iy8g4mh wrote



typing t1_iy8iazi wrote

Safety measures have a changed since the building of the Manhattan Bridge, lol


SideburnSundays t1_iya7psr wrote

Manhattan Bridge 1909 is not equivalent to a stadium built post-2000.


NewspaperAdditional7 t1_iy9457b wrote

I was curious about this and did some googling. In USA during 2020, about 1008 construction workers were killed in construction accidents.


SideburnSundays t1_iya7fx5 wrote

False equivalency. Your comparing construction of one facility to construction of many facilities.


NewspaperAdditional7 t1_iyalmhk wrote

Not saying they are equivalent. USA also has a much bigger population. But I was questioning your statement that a 1st World Country would have a death toll of 0. You may want to revise that opinion. South Korea also has over 100 deaths this year.


dh1 t1_iyaufxf wrote

Yeah I just meant that on any single modern construction project in America, having more than one death would be pretty surprising.


ForUrsula t1_iybhiim wrote

Not the same guy you replied to, but I still think it's a fair statement.

There's a big difference between infrastructure construction and just general construction. The amount of OH&S oversight would be several orders of magnitude larger.

I expect the vast majority of deaths would be happening at small scale construction sites, where the safety officer is "my mate John, he sometimes doesn't turn up drunk"


AuthorizedShitPoster t1_iyadce5 wrote

The 400 figure is including other construction work such as hotels and subways. The 37 figure is only arenas.


gregs1020 t1_iy8w8w5 wrote

give or take a thousand or so.


joseph_joestar___ t1_iyaiebc wrote

And how exactly does that make anything better…let’s say it’s 500 and not the probably more accurate number of 6500…that’s still 500 innocent dead people dying in terrible circumstances just for a few week long football game…this shitshow should’ve never even have started from the beginning. Dear FIFA, think twice next time before picking a rich corrupt Middle Eastern countries with no human rights and a agenda to whitewash themselves for a shitton of crash.


993targa t1_iyasy2n wrote

Qataris and FIFA officials keep downvoting all negative references to this corrupt World Cup. I’m keeping them busy ;)


autotldr t1_iy7xjn4 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 77%. (I'm a bot)

> DOHA, Qatar - A top Qatari official involved in the country's World Cup organization has put the number of worker deaths for the tournament "Between 400 and 500" for the first time, a drastically higher number than any other previously offered by Doha.

> In the interview, portions of which Morgan posted online, the British journalist asks al-Thawadi: "What is the honest, realistic total do you think of migrant workers who died from - as a result of work they're doing for the World Cup in totality?".

> Al-Thawadi's comment also renews questions on the veracity of both government and private business reporting on worker injuries and deaths across the Gulf Arab states, whose skyscrapers have been built by laborers from South Asia nations like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: work^#1 death^#2 al-Thawadi^#3 Qatar^#4 interview^#5


BozoN1ga t1_iy7yss3 wrote

its so much....


aisha_so_sweet t1_iybj30w wrote

They treat their workers like they are trash. You know if it wasn't for them they would actually have to work and be sweating and suffering. They should at the least show them some respect for doing the hard work they don't want to touch cuz in their mind they are too good for it. Teaching all the young generation to be lazy ass no good for nothings, to just wait around to have stuff handed to them.


rdxxx t1_iycmqwr wrote

They can't, ~15% of their population is quatri, they can't exist without their slave workers at this point


aisha_so_sweet t1_iydpo80 wrote

They don't even walk to the mall, they are so lazy they have to take a car even to the corner store. Its ridiculous how lazy someone can evolve to be when you have literal slaves doing everything for you.