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Winnmark t1_iybmvre wrote

In my experience, nine times out of 10, people pick and choose the way they want to make history seem to better their cause.

It's not your fault, I'm pretty cynical after all.


Exoddity t1_iybn0fu wrote

> In my experience, nine times out of 10, people pick and choose the way they want to make history seem to better their cause.

The way you say that with no sense of irony could make a dark man blush.


Winnmark t1_iybn3f5 wrote

On the contrary, I believe that all human institutions are flawed.


Godsarefakezz t1_iybnh2p wrote

As is your god.


Winnmark t1_iybniw1 wrote

Prove it.


Godsarefakezz t1_iybnm9v wrote

You just said human institutions are flawed, who made humans?


Winnmark t1_iybnyrf wrote

You are under the assumption we were made flawed.

Good argument though, I've never seen this out of your average redditor. I like it. I still find it troublesome, of course, but good try.


Godsarefakezz t1_iybo5i2 wrote

So he fine tuned us in such a way we would be flawed?


Winnmark t1_iyboej9 wrote

Who did?

Furthermore, we could have been made perfect, and then broken down. Or, I suppose we could have been made flawed on purpose.

Who knows bro.

This has been fun, but I have to run Keep on thinking, and I'll keep on drinking Don't jump to conclusions, we all have our dilutions


Godsarefakezz t1_iybor2l wrote

How could we be made perfect, if there was the possibility that we would be broken?


Rusticaxe t1_iyc22c7 wrote

God works in mysterious ways /s

But God in general is kind of a genocidal asshole, and as we are made in his image, we are as well.


Bowbreaker t1_iyc6st0 wrote

Perfect things don't break down. Breakage happens through imperfection. Except, I guess, if them breaking down is a feature and they break down perfectly. At which point we are back at the "on purpose".