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shmip t1_iyd22hj wrote

Thanks for the indepth answer. I'm not trying to bait you by replying again, my other reply was more rhetorical, with this one I just want to make it clear what I see as the conflict.

I'm not trolling. As someone that grew up very christian, I'm interested in the ways that abrahamic believers think about love and abuse.

Abusers use complicated reasoning to explain how the damage they inflict is actually helping, how everything is done out of love, and how the rest of us don't see that because we're too dumb to understand the complexities so just stay out of it.

A loving god would never make the rules so crazy that you need to be a theologian to really understand them. That's the kind of crap an abuser does.

Love is simple. Control is complicated.

It's hard for me to see how such a complicated control structure is really about love underneath it all, especially when the control aspect is usually used for pain.

Thanks again for the chat.


Winnmark t1_iye89qt wrote

Anytime. Next time maybe send me a private message, I lost so much karma, here because of the bigots it's not even funny lol

With that said, I also think it's not complicated at all. There's no abuse here. I simply think some people have already made up their minds before they look at any argument for or against something.

It's actually incredibly difficult to try and look at something objectively. It's very difficult to ignore our feelings, our goals in life, our experiences, so on and so forth.