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Reina-Kong t1_iydxbra wrote

Not having the same experience at all. Most of my friends don't even know that there are protests in China. Also, those people that are protesting do so against the policy, not against the government. In my opinion, there will be no change in China. The government will only take away more and more freedom from the people. Sorry, but I lost hope a long time ago.


HalfLeper t1_iye7sjq wrote

Sadly Iā€™m kind of in the same boat. Iā€™m very leery of having hope for China. šŸ˜ž


OverallChicken7507 t1_iyeflq5 wrote

Agree. You hear some people demanding rule of law and democracy, mostly on University campuses, but for the most part these protests are yet another isolated reaction. The CCP has mastered the art of preventing unity and visibility as much as possible.


jm31828 t1_iyfekjz wrote

Yeah, exactly! My wife is Chinese, living here in the US and all of her family live in Guangzhou, China. There were protests in Guangzhou, and there were videos of people being bussed to these isolation facilities in Guangzhou- but her family back there don't know anything about it... all they hear about are riots at FoxConn factories because workers were being forced to stay on campus or something like that- this news comes out because FoxConn is Taiwanese, and anything to make them look bad is news over there.