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Mandelmensch t1_ixshm8d wrote

Just look at the amount of imported energy to france from all of europe and tell me again how good nuclear power is, when you neglect your power stations. Also france is forcing a fixed price for electricity to the power stations, which is below production price. In turn they have to bail out the providers with tax money. In the end its more expensive and the rest of europe carries the cost of providing missing capacity.


Utxi4m t1_ixsiwvs wrote

So, since the eighties France has saved a "few" billion tons of CO2, has consistently lower CO2 emmisions today, has spent less establishing their carbon neutral capacity. But that is nullified due to one poor year where weather and covid delayed maintenance hit poorly?

Germany is restarting coal plants (and burning other nations forests) after investing a trillion in renewables. But the French energy system is the bad one?

>Also france is forcing a fixed price for electricity to the power stations, which is below production price. In turn they have to bail out the providers with tax money

How is that relevant? Do we want clean energy fast and cheap? Then French nuclear outclasses German renewables by a gigantic margin.

> In the end its more expensive and the rest of europe carries the cost of providing missing capacity.

EDf is bringing 30GW capacity online early 2023, as probably the only thing keeping Europe from ending in full blown Mad Max. If Germany hadn't shuttered 30GW of nuclear, we wouldn't have a problem at all...


Utxi4m t1_ixsv1tk wrote

And since we are looking at France today. Have you seen the latest OECD growth estimates. Germany -0.3% and France +0,6%, 0.9% GDP difference and all of it attributed exclusively to energy availability.

That's a pretty massive one off cost you can throw on top of the bet on renewables.
