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plugster22 t1_j1vww9g wrote

Time to shoot a few down and let China know, their games are over. When all the countries get involved China will end up like Russia.


epic-robloxgamer t1_j1w3vd2 wrote

Is there something wrong in your brain? Do you understand the implications of a nation shooting down chinese planes and citizens? That’s just asking for a war


Bukseben t1_j1w7h3b wrote

no no. An unprovoked act of war against China is the best way to calm them down, surely.


Robw1970 t1_j1xaq12 wrote

Exactly, China can only relate to unprovoked acts.


Leon-the-Doggo t1_j1wl0q0 wrote

The Indonesians blew up one Chinese boat for illegal fishing. China did nothing.


[deleted] t1_j1xa334 wrote



fronthandlebar t1_j1y73ud wrote

Since when has the US been worried about Taiwan? The US supported the KMT in China, the US supported the KMT when they fled to Taiwan, the US supported the KMT when they brutally ruled on the island resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Taiwanese, even going so far as to call Taiwan ‘Free China’. The reason the US supported the KMT was because the KMT believed they would re-enter China in some ruling capacity and the US assumed they would too, and wanted the influence to shape China events that went with that. Was only after realizing the KMT wasn’t going to return as they hoped that the US dug into their armory and found the democracy and human rights flags and knowing it would irk China, started waving them furiously hoping to start a conflict with a still then much weaker China. That never happened and now plan C has seemingly commenced with the US increasingly selling Taiwan easily replaced weapons as well as encouraging them to export their technological prowess. Europe also catching on and wanting a piece of the pie. The US has a lot to answer for to the Taiwanese people. And if a conflict started and China was weakened, REGARDLESS of whether Taiwan was decimated or not, American troops would return home heros. Taiwanese welfare is not Americas priority, and never has been. Weakening China, their perceived geopolitical enemy, is, and always has been, Americas priority which is also why the US demonizes China at every possible opportunity, regardless of what China does.


Macasumba t1_j1ztlzb wrote

Formosa was not topic in 1960 Kennedy/Nixon debates. So I would say since 1947 at least.


MojoDr619 t1_j1wwgok wrote

So does everyone just sit around until they invade? It is getting tiring that those advocating for a countrys independence always has to sit down and wait for the aggressor to make their move


Cheesenugg t1_j1x5ab3 wrote

Quit being a warhawk!


MojoDr619 t1_j1x7hh6 wrote

I hate war. But these assholes keep being aggressors.. I'm against anyone who initiates a conflict.. but in this case China is clearly initiating it.. is anyone else flying their fighter jets over china?

It's like getting mad at Ukraine for defending themselves when Russia just has to stop attacking them. China went crazy just because fucking Pelosi went to Taiwain to talk w their leader. If the only way they can claim Taiwain is through violence then they are in the wrong and that is all they have here


Cheesenugg t1_j1x9ler wrote

Violence doesn't solve Violence. The USG has done very similar things to what the CCC is hoping to pull off with Taiwan. Yet the USG has been allowed to exist. Where's the calls for the dismantling of the CIA?

Of course the Chinese government is tyrannical and evil and should be dismantled, BUT start paying attention to the fact that you're wound up, loaded, and shot like a gun at any problem like its cut and dry, good vs evil. The world is varying shades of gray. The innocent people of Ukraine and Taiwan are just caught in the middle of a new avenue of profit for the world elites.


MojoDr619 t1_j1xdoo1 wrote

I'm actually against US and all its wars of aggression as well


[deleted] t1_j1x9xp4 wrote



MojoDr619 t1_j1xe56c wrote

So you don't think China is practicing and testing what they can get away with for an invasion of Taiwain? Especially after what they did after Pelosi visited and all their threats?

That's all just going by the book?


Robw1970 t1_j1xaxeq wrote

No ones is waiting, they are preparing and building militarily and economically. This takes time to build and train for war and unplug from from a prior large trading partner.
