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6_67408_ t1_j1w5fsr wrote

It took longer than 3 days. It should have continued for way longer than it did tho. Nato failed in denazifying serbia. This is why we have this bullshit now.


Sapphire-Drake t1_j1x0ow6 wrote

What the fuck do you mean denazifying? The Serbian government is corrupt and incompetent, but far from nazis.

There are some socialist policies to help people with healthcare, education, transportation and such. They aren't the best but they are better than nothing. So not far right like the nazis.

As for ethical discrimination, in the north there are classes for Croats so they can learn some Croatian history and stuff as well as Serbian. Also there are high schools that teach some classes in Hungarian for the Hungarians that live in Serbia or decide to study there. Rather considerate.

Some of the more religious people are homophobic but, again in the north, you can easily find people who don't care about that. Just like they don't really care about nationality.

I can't say much about the other parts since I haven't been in many but for the north I can say this from personal experience.

I really don't see how you can claim Serbia is nazi-like when most of the faults are from corruption and incompetence, instead of any racism, militarism or delusions of grandeur.


samenumberwhodis t1_j1xbu9z wrote

Any classes for Bosniaks? Or are there not many of them in Serbia for some reason?


Sapphire-Drake t1_j1xe3oc wrote

Got a couple as fellow students and couple of professors in another city. My home was really close to the border with Hungary so it's mostly them for minorities around there. Might be a few that I just don't know are Bosniaks. It's not really important to me or most people I know around here.

Don't know if there were or weren't such classes elsewhere. Again, can't say much for other parts. Don't really travel around Serbia.


samenumberwhodis t1_j1xhcvf wrote



mikica1986 t1_j1xn97u wrote

We call "Bosnian"/"Bosniak" anyone who comes from Bosnia. If you're referring to Bosnian muslims, I believe they are majority (or very significant minority) around Pazar.

P.S. Joke was good on a surface level, tho :D


samenumberwhodis t1_j1xq4ka wrote

Genocide is hilarious :D


mikica1986 t1_j1xs2if wrote

I wouldn't go that far


samenumberwhodis t1_j1zbtaw wrote

You're right, what Serbia did to Bosnia isn't funny. Almost 100,000 civilians killed, Sarajevo leveled, Srebenica. You can play the victim all you like but the entire global community knows what Serbia did. And your denial of the facts and lack of contrition is why people call you Nazis.


mikica1986 t1_j1zipkl wrote

Where did I deny attrocities in Bosnia happened? Where did I play victim?

There was a civil war in Bosnia. Threeway free for all between Serbs (Ortodox), Muslims and Croats (Catolic).

Also, Serbia didn't invade Bosnia, Yugoslavia was falling apart and Milošević (that was president of Yugoslavia, not Serbia, tho he was defacto power mad emperor of slaughter) was waging wars in order to keep his power.

He was a Serb, tho, and he didn't discriminate (much, he had a thing for killing Muslims more than others) based on ethnicity, he was killing anyone that opposed him.

I'm old enough to remember riots in the streets when the wars started, military shooting at protesters and so on. Then sanctions came and broke any kind of resistance, because people were surviving day to day instead of opposing goverment.

In the end, you do you, it's easier to have a "well defined" bad guy :D


Fantastic-Fun5909 t1_j1ykwiu wrote

So would you say the Serbian government is National Socialist?


Sapphire-Drake t1_j1yo273 wrote

No. They aren't communist like china and they aren't cutthroat capitalist like USA. They are mostly normal centrist with a bit of left and a bit more of right. Basically if the US didn't have a phobia of anything leftist and corporations weren't quite as powerful as far as the economy is concerned. We still have a bunch of unions to keep corporations in check.


Fantastic-Fun5909 t1_j1zec18 wrote

I was making a joke since the Nazis where the National Socialist party.

Anyways I have been to Serbia and I loved it, very kind people. I wish you the best!