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macross1984 t1_j1xgvyr wrote

Good plan. Either Putin attend or he will be exposed as liar who want no peace treaty with Ukraine.


TheKappaOverlord t1_j1xrbxh wrote

Hes already more or less said a few times that hes not interested in peace unless Ukraine gives in to the demands to disarm.


TheDukeOfMars t1_j1ykbkb wrote

Ukraine already said Russians being prosecuted for war crimes would be a precondition to Russia being allowed at the talks. Unfortunately, no real talks are possible while Putin is still leading Russia.


ThatBitchWhoSaidWhat t1_j1yfyfu wrote

Let's take a vote: upvote this if you think it was a lie to get more time to get a military advantage.


Red_Brummy t1_j1x1ov3 wrote

Will Poo-tin join another long table to announce his abandonment of the failed incursion?


Vordeo t1_j1xzz05 wrote

No. They'll ship over the same long ass table. Russia doesn't have the money to build another of those things at this point.


Aellithion t1_j207pdt wrote

The UN could never afford, nor find the engineering expertise to build such a table... /s


Yelmel t1_j1x0zqy wrote

Well played, Kuleba


[deleted] t1_j1xjdqk wrote



Malystryxx t1_j1xzp88 wrote

I can already see a "behind enemy lines" movie with Ukrainian sabotage groups. I heard steven Spielberg has a movie in the works: "saving private Petro".


BigBadMur t1_j21a75y wrote

Well, if Ukraine is serious, they know what they need to offer otherwise it won't happen.
