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sbr999 t1_j1usf8l wrote

Is Russia even something more than a bad joke at this moment? They make themselves look like buffoons and the whole world is laughing at them


akuma211 t1_j1wukrz wrote

Russia is appearing to the world militarily, what Trump appeared to the world, politically.

Both a laughing stock shit show


KryptosFR t1_j1ygti6 wrote

The good news is that the US military might finally be able to decrease their spending and invest it in something else like, I don't know, education or healthcare.

The bogeyman was a sad scarecrow all along.


TheGhostOfGeneStoner t1_j1ytxh9 wrote

No, for the last several years of the formal GWOT, the US military knew that their time there would be drawing to a close and starting touting preparations for a near peer conflict. While many assumed it was Russia they were referencing, it was actually China. For instance, the B-21 Raider was built specifically to solve the problem of having a strategic bomber that could hit the Chinese mainland without endangering carrier groups or putting air-air refueling tankers in danger.

Edit - in short, the boogeyman still exists, we’ll just change some details so he remains scary