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Graywulff t1_j27fc48 wrote

How do the Russians suddenly have so many missiles? Could the sanctions buster be getting around sanctions to get chips for the missiles?


HungryExternal9373 t1_j27yuo2 wrote

It could be that a lot of what we read is actually biased and alot of what Russians read is actually biased.


Graywulff t1_j283yl4 wrote

Truth. A Chinese guy went full ji ping on me the other month and I just let it wash over me and said to myself “hes been drinking their Kool aid since as soon as he could absorb propaganda and so have I and they are alternate programs” so I didn’t bother to debate him on it. I just didn’t hang out with him again.


lalalandcity1 t1_j285tvf wrote

This must have happened in Richmond, BC


AllModsAreL0sers t1_j28dbbe wrote

Are you open to the fact that you may also be biased? That's what the person you're replying to suggested


Graywulff t1_j296ql7 wrote

I admit it in my post. “He… absorbed propaganda… and so did I”

Yes I’m aware I even mention it.


IDwelve t1_j28864f wrote

Yes, he drank the Kool aid. Unlike you, who is immune to propaganda and is definitely hearing the truth.
Which is also why you're surprised by what is actually happening on the ground even though your informed, unbiased, non-kool-aid sources told you Russia has no more missiles...

fucking lol


TheNonViolentOne t1_j289wwr wrote

> so have I

You just can't read.

Fucking lol indeed. WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY!


Lotus_Blossom_ t1_j28ab20 wrote

...Are you replying to the person who said

>“hes been drinking their Kool aid since as soon as he could absorb propaganda and so have I and they are alternate programs”

...? Because they're explicitly not claiming to be immune to propaganda.


Graywulff t1_j29219u wrote

I’m not immune to propaganda. I realize the pledge of allegiance from 6 on, Boy Scouts, a lot of history classes taught American exceptionalism.

Elementary school they told us America was the only free country in the world. My friend was English and she insisted it was a democracy and the teachers are like “oh no they aren’t free they have a monarchy”.

Also before the fall of the Berlin Wall the maps were all the wrong size. They showed the us Canada and Western Europe to be bigger than the Soviet Union… Soviet Union fell and we got regular maps and I wondered why they bothered to lie to us about the size of the country.

One map the continental us was bigger than russia.

So yeah I recognize he’s had his and I have had mine and we have counteracting programming, so I admit I have been programmed by America to be pro US and anti china basically and he’s anti America (despite living here, being poor in china, and rich here), and I knew not to bother.

Another guy wanted me to agree to all these Chinese state talking points (9 dash line, etc) and agree freedom of navigation should be illegal bc it says china on the South China Sea… it’s like I believe in freedom of navigation, international law, free hong kong, free Tibet. He stopped talking to me.


load_more_commments t1_j29yurr wrote

I'm fully aware of map projections and the Mercator issues but there is absolutely no real world map that shows the US bigger than the USSR or Russia. Perhaps you counted Canada and considered North America as a whole.


Graywulff t1_j2ab0e7 wrote

Or I last saw it in 1993 when I was like ten.


AllModsAreL0sers t1_j28dsyl wrote

It's not really clear, to be honest. They should focus on speaking clearly before consuming propaganda


celerywife t1_j28e8gq wrote

You're clearly looking for a reason to criticize and get fired up. Chill and read the text before you comment on it, you make yourself out to be a jerk. "fucking lol" really put it over the top.


Graywulff t1_j2927kq wrote

Maybe his electric maga hat stock is dropping like it’s hot but it’s not.


Graywulff t1_j297ic8 wrote

It’s also called a rhetorical question. Like if I have been getting this info than why do they still have a lot? I’m questioning the source in my question and I’m admitting to being programmed by American propaganda at the same time as the Chinese guy was so I realized it wasn’t worth debating.

I’m not sure if you understood what I said. Big words and all.


Graywulff t1_j2axg02 wrote

I said I got a different kind of kool aid in my post. I’m not sure why you’re angry, but perhaps work on reading comprehension or your adhd?

My supposition was that they were getting around sanctions more effectively recently, and I asked a rhetorical question based on that to elicit a response.

Is English not your first language?


IDwelve t1_j2bfjd2 wrote

Looks like I interpreted sth into your statement that wasn't there, my bad.
I was just going off of the general approach I always see in these Russia-related posts. English is my third language.


Graywulff t1_j2dtmhg wrote

Oh I hope they go bankrupt from the cost of the damage and the death they did in Ukraine and that they try all the war criminals and see them sentenced in The Hague, where they’re building a case right now. They have been forensically collecting data from everywhere liberate like a modern crime scene. Volunteers around the world have archived every tweet and telegram and other video posted by Russians media and Ukraine and has sorted it so there will be a big expensive trial. Until then they’ll keep ramping up sanctions and figuring out how the Russians manage to get stuff still.


AllModsAreL0sers t1_j28dhix wrote

No, but see. Everyone I disagree with is necessarily drinking the Kool Aid, and I'm the smartest and most unbiased person in the known universe. That's how this works, okay?



Sin1st_er t1_j285qk8 wrote

Uh Oh, you weren't supposed to bring this up in reddit.


HungryExternal9373 t1_j28ecjn wrote

It’s all good. A story as old as time. Literally!

Propaganda on both sides of a conflict goes way back!

Fog of war is very real


aaaaaaaarrrrrgh t1_j28arb1 wrote

I added up the numbers in the Ukrainian (!) claim about Russia's missile shortage and even ignoring the S-300 it added up to something like 1000 missiles (of different types).


HungryExternal9373 t1_j28e7f1 wrote

Ok and?


aaaaaaaarrrrrgh t1_j28hji4 wrote

It confirms that the often-repeated "they're running out of missiles" is questionable even based on Ukrainian data, as a specific example confirming what you said.


ConnorChandler t1_j27kl7z wrote

They're burning through their reserves yes, IIRC Russia is converting anti air missiles to surface ones, but yes there is no shortage of rogue nations/companies willing to overlook embargoes to keep delivering to Russia.


Lepojka1 t1_j281x7d wrote

Have been listening to this for a year now almost... They have been on reserves since may... Are we sure this intel is correct?


Graywulff t1_j28425j wrote

I’m wondering if they’re building them faster due to shenanigans with sanctions.


HungryExternal9373 t1_j28q8iz wrote

This is entirely my point. We as random internet ppl have no real idea. We can only see in real time that Russia is non stop bombing Ukraine with missiles


HauDyr t1_j28fyr1 wrote

Yes I was thinking "they must fire the last rocket soon", so something must have changed since may?


load_more_commments t1_j29z8w7 wrote

I recall so much Western experts saying Russia could only afford to have this army out for 2 weeks. Here we are almost a year later. I think it's safe to say we can't trust any source reliably right now.


not---a---bot t1_j27z1p9 wrote

They already had a massive stockpile and are probably producing more domestically.


daniel_22sss t1_j29dnu8 wrote

I think people just underestimated their stockpiles. Its A LOT. They did waste a good half of it, but another half still remains. And ukranian officials constantly assuring that "russians are about to run out of missiles" are not helping. I would rather believe, that they are about to run out of army itself, than missiles.


Graywulff t1_j29fr51 wrote

Yeah it seemed like they slowed down missile attacks for a time and focused on drones and then suddenly a ton of missiles again. Had there been a time with less missile strikes or am I remembering that wrong?


daniel_22sss t1_j2c7l9n wrote

Yes, there was


Graywulff t1_j2dsaui wrote

So what changed?


daniel_22sss t1_j2e40xw wrote

They got butthurt over succesful Ukranian attacks.


Graywulff t1_j2e869t wrote

Yeah they’re gonna be really hurting when we don’t drop the sanctions until they pay to repair the country and pay pensions for the killed and injured. I hope they never drop sanctions and let Russia turn into North Korea.

F em.


load_more_commments t1_j29yfam wrote

Firstly that are 100% getting around sanctions, not too the quantities they truly need but that definitely are. Secondly, Russia has stepped up production and is now able to produce missiles faster than they're using them.


Graywulff t1_j2aaunp wrote

How is this change possible and what can be done?


load_more_commments t1_j2ab2y5 wrote

Keep giving Ukraine weapons. Their missiles are low precision and don't really affect Ukraine's army that much. Therefore Russia is just wasting money at this point.


Graywulff t1_j2ab990 wrote

Yeah, the whole thing is a waste, and horrible.

I guess more Patriot missile systems are needed now?


AllModsAreL0sers t1_j28d8n6 wrote

The West has made a lot of enemies in the past century


Graywulff t1_j29av7x wrote

So has russia. We were both in Afghanistan and both did the satellite country espionage thing and had our intelligence services all over foreign democracies trying to get a fair shake.