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Lepojka1 t1_j281x7d wrote

Have been listening to this for a year now almost... They have been on reserves since may... Are we sure this intel is correct?


Graywulff t1_j28425j wrote

I’m wondering if they’re building them faster due to shenanigans with sanctions.


HungryExternal9373 t1_j28q8iz wrote

This is entirely my point. We as random internet ppl have no real idea. We can only see in real time that Russia is non stop bombing Ukraine with missiles


HauDyr t1_j28fyr1 wrote

Yes I was thinking "they must fire the last rocket soon", so something must have changed since may?


load_more_commments t1_j29z8w7 wrote

I recall so much Western experts saying Russia could only afford to have this army out for 2 weeks. Here we are almost a year later. I think it's safe to say we can't trust any source reliably right now.