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Graywulff t1_j29219u wrote

I’m not immune to propaganda. I realize the pledge of allegiance from 6 on, Boy Scouts, a lot of history classes taught American exceptionalism.

Elementary school they told us America was the only free country in the world. My friend was English and she insisted it was a democracy and the teachers are like “oh no they aren’t free they have a monarchy”.

Also before the fall of the Berlin Wall the maps were all the wrong size. They showed the us Canada and Western Europe to be bigger than the Soviet Union… Soviet Union fell and we got regular maps and I wondered why they bothered to lie to us about the size of the country.

One map the continental us was bigger than russia.

So yeah I recognize he’s had his and I have had mine and we have counteracting programming, so I admit I have been programmed by America to be pro US and anti china basically and he’s anti America (despite living here, being poor in china, and rich here), and I knew not to bother.

Another guy wanted me to agree to all these Chinese state talking points (9 dash line, etc) and agree freedom of navigation should be illegal bc it says china on the South China Sea… it’s like I believe in freedom of navigation, international law, free hong kong, free Tibet. He stopped talking to me.


load_more_commments t1_j29yurr wrote

I'm fully aware of map projections and the Mercator issues but there is absolutely no real world map that shows the US bigger than the USSR or Russia. Perhaps you counted Canada and considered North America as a whole.


Graywulff t1_j2ab0e7 wrote

Or I last saw it in 1993 when I was like ten.