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ArmpitEchoLocation t1_j1w25tk wrote

> Look at a map. Azerbaijan needs access through Armenia to get to part of its country

Tough titties, it's called an exclave, an exclave that already has land access to Turkey.

> If Armenia blocks access

It's Armenia's sovereign territory....

You complain about Armenians perpetually living in what the Soviets decided to be Azerbaijan wanting a supply route to all that remains of Armenia, but expect a supply route (for what?) for Azeris living west of a fucking exclave.


fIreballchamp t1_j1w3zf2 wrote

What's the alternative? Europe and USA don't care. Turkey, a NATO member is providing the weapons and training to the Azeri forces yet the OP is crying Russia. Russia is clearly busy at the moment and doesn't want to deal with this.