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fallte1337 t1_j1p72hr wrote

So let me get this straight. You are setting off power by sending it to the grid. That power is absolutely minuscule but the government is paying you some money to make you feel better about your bad investment. Then, when you actually need power - at night in winter, when your solar panels are absolutely useless, you are relying on the grid like everyone else. The question, you moron, is - what happens when there is not enough power at peak demand? How are your solar panels helping then? You see, I’ve done the math whether I can make my country house off grid by installing solar panels. The answer is - no. Between the cost of the panels and the batteries required the cost is way more than I will ever save within the life of the panels and the batteries. It’s still cheaper to receive power from the grid - who would have guessed? So the answer to all power problems is not “solar”, idiot. The only reason small scale solar kind of works is because the government is paying you out of everyone else’s pocket to do not very much.


fantomas_ t1_j1pcup4 wrote

This reply is peppered with insults. Much like the pepper in a Cumberland sausage. But you'd know all about that wouldn't you? Ya sausage.