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RoaringSilence t1_j23fcx8 wrote

>Also, you calling the YPG/PKK "Kurds", thus equating a single militia to an entire ethnic group, shows that you have no knowledge of the actual situation.

My fault, corrected my text.


Aytanri- t1_j23i05k wrote

"Taking ethnic group out" lmfao. How come that Turkey is the biggest trading partner of the Kurdish regional government in north Iraq and why are there around 15-20 million Turkish citizens of Kurdish ethnicity/descent ? It wouldn't even be too far off to say that more Kurds live in Istanbul alone than in the entirety of North-East Syria. Something doesn't add up here, does it?


RoaringSilence t1_j23k5hr wrote

I was referring to my generalized "kurds" comment what was wrong pointing to the ethnic group instead of a group within


Aytanri- t1_j23madn wrote

Because it's not about a whole ethnic group but specifically about the Syrian branch of a NATO-recognized terrorist organization, with US officials openly admitting to forcing the PKK to change their name to SDF/YPG so that the US can "legitimize" aiding an open Enemy of another NATO member.