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TheDukeOfMars t1_j1ykn09 wrote

Because the longer the pandemic went on, the more time we had time to study it, prepare, and adapt our healthcare systems. The more we studied it, the more we knew how to track + respond to future Covid outbreaks.

Also, more people are vaccinated and that lowers the threat of a nationwide outbreak. Which means there is less chance of failure to the overall healthcare system.

We can treat people and get relatively good outcomes if 1 in 10 people get sick. The whole hospital system collapses if 6 in 10 people get sick. China is now stuck with the latter.


0011101000101010 t1_j227x4q wrote

Lol so you studied it for years now and your solution is exactly the same as 2 years ago. Hot take bro


HalfLife3IsHere t1_j22v6lz wrote

Now you have all the equipment, logistics, and the experience (and data confirming what really works and what not so much). When it took over the masks and tests logistics were still messed up, every country going on their own rather than coordinating with others, there wasn’t vaccines, and so on.