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Existing_Dot_8981 t1_j2ejis9 wrote

LMAO what a joke! Lula was imprisoned for corruption and his lefty ideology has never worked and is specially damaging in 3rd world countries like Brazil. Americans are clueless about foreign politics


Pilantrologo t1_j2ex5hi wrote

You might want to delete this. I'm as Brazilian as they come and I know pretty well what I'm talking about.

Did you even bother to check my username?


lumach68 t1_j2f18r8 wrote

I’m an American, so I won’t pretend to understand the political system in Brazil very well but I wanted to see if he was a downvote karma whore or if he had any penchant for going off about Lula or bad mouthing the US and I’m not sure if he even is Brazilian himself. He posts very frequently in Chilean and Peruvian subreddits, and comments in Spanish and not Portuguese. Funny that he judges Americans for not knowing Brazilian politics when he isn’t even Brazilian himself and also apparently doesn’t know.

Edit: misused a word


Existing_Dot_8981 t1_j2fc125 wrote

Describe Lulas socialist model and tell me how it will work, considering it has been a complete failure in south america. I have all of those downvotes from lefties like u.


lumach68 t1_j2fkp1p wrote

I can’t tell you since as I stated in the comment I do not know Brazilian politics and as such did not comment on any of it. I said based on you accusing another Brazilian of being an American, and uninformed, I wanted to see if you were farming downvotes, and was left with what I described above. I’m not saying you’re not Brazilian, as you could be of the 4% of Spanish speaking Brazilians, what I was saying was you were quick to accuse another Brazilian of being “clueless” about their own politics and it seemed likely you were the foreigner making false claims about another’s political system. If I’m wrong then I apologize, if not then you know already.


Existing_Dot_8981 t1_j2fblq8 wrote

lol if you are brazilian and voted for that corrupt commie, your iq must be sub 70. Have you seen the other countries with the same socialist model. Complete failure, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia... use your brain makakito


Pilantrologo t1_j2fmas5 wrote

Yeah, right... I don't know if you've learned about the economic growth and socioeconomic development Brazil enjoyed during the two presidential terms of Luis Inacio... I'm fairly certain you didn't, and likely don't care.

In any case, you should go out, make some friends, get a companion and do something more productive. Being unkind online won't get you anywhere.