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lmsoa971 t1_j2de3n3 wrote

Some westerners also believe that Hitler sign is not necessarily a fascist sign either !

It comes from the Roman salute, so doing it doesn’t mean you are a fascist which has history and culture of thousands of year.

By your logic every Italian should be allowed to do it… unless you agree that time changes culture, and anyone who has a right mind understands that it’s no longer the Roman salute.

But it all comes down to how aware you are of the present culture and of your surroundings.

I mean where was the Turkish backlash when Turks were taking pictures of beheaded Kurds and Syrians throwing the grey wolves sign? Where is the backlash now when they are throwing grey wolf signs for a “environmental protest” that is blockading 120,000 people?

Why is the leader of the Turkish fascist party throwing the sign off the Turks don’t want to associate themselves with it?

Whether you want to accept it or not, the grey wolf sign has been synonymous with Turkish fascism. And it only seems like Turks don’t understand it, it’s like those Americans who put up the confederate flag and scream “it’s not racist it’s my history”.


jaquaries t1_j2f9r3x wrote

Why would I give up my own culture over 2000 years just beacuse some dumb fucks use it? Its a holy symbol in Turkish culture and turkish myths. These organisations are temporary but our collective culture will live as long as a single Turk lives on this earth.


TheDoctor364 t1_j2fit2g wrote

Same reason people dont do the victory salute nowadays.


Straightwad t1_j2fjbcf wrote

Because white westerners destroyed their culture so they expect everyone else to too