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RedShooz10 t1_j1p98zh wrote

Two things.

  1. Yes, the US is not a party to the UNCLOS. However, US domestic law holds itself to the standards outlined by the convention making it a de facto party.

  2. China is in fact a party to the convention, meaning their violations of it are even more egregious than they were already. Saying “but america!” doesn’t get them out of this one.


a_man_of_music t1_j1pjiap wrote

>US domestic law holds itself to the standards outlined by the convention making it a de facto party.

So what's their reason for not being part of it?


salartarium t1_j1pld9q wrote

The original treaty put the UN in charge of seabed mining, and allowed them to regulate and tax. It would have mainly taxed Western companies who were able to do seabed mining. Also, it originally required technology transfer and American companies would have to share their tech and patents with the whole world. After the collapse of the USSR the US pushed for the treaty to be amended to limit taxation, remove the tech Transfer, and guarantee the US a veto if they joined.

The amendment was enough to convince the W Bush admin to join the treaty, and the ratification process was started in the Senate, but basically what happened is Obama became president and supported it so the Republican Party torpedoed the treaty just to cause disruption.


a_man_of_music t1_j1plv4b wrote

>the Republican Party torpedoed the treaty just to cause disruption

That's disappointing and, honestly, quite childish considering it's international geopolitics.


bocephus607 t1_j1pp0b5 wrote

They’ll grow up one of these generations I’m sure of it. 🤞🏻


cjeam t1_j1pps37 wrote

Trickle down economics will eventually start working I’m sure of it 🤞🏻


scotchdouble t1_j1q3pno wrote

Right-wing thinking will eventually start working, I’m sure of it. 🤞🏻


ComradeOmarova t1_j1qylui wrote

Yeah, it’s also not accurate. There’s a reason the Democrat-controlled Senate has never brought it to the floor. Democrats don’t support ratification either.