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st3ll4r-wind t1_j1jr63w wrote

Crazy that the Mayans are still around.


The_Weirdest_Cunt t1_j1k87l5 wrote

You seen the new black panther movie? Apparently the Mayans just turned into fish people


Rosebunse t1_j1kdlu2 wrote

One of the weirder controversies around the new Black Panther film is that, apparently, the guy they got to play Namor looks too, well, non-white for certain South American audiences.


Kazumadesu76 t1_j1km14x wrote

Were they hoping he'd be conquistador colored?


Rosebunse t1_j1kn8hk wrote

Basically, yeah. The Mexican film industry has a major problem with colorism.


onFilm t1_j1m9itd wrote

Include Latin America in there too.


borilo9 t1_j1l888e wrote

We just don't take kindly to being cheaply pandered to


fingerpaintswithpoop t1_j1ljad8 wrote

Define “pandering.”


Lord_Shisui t1_j1ljs60 wrote


>gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire or taste or a person with such a desire or taste). "newspapers are pandering to people's baser instincts"


MetaBotch t1_j1knjoj wrote

Considering he had no Spanish ancestry he should look more indigenous.


Rosebunse t1_j1kp9yv wrote

Well, yes, that makes sense. Of course he is going to look non-European. But, again, the South American film industry has a problem with colorism. Frankly, I think he looks like a snack.


Bringbackdexter t1_j1r9yz4 wrote

Not to sound rude but why does it matter? Isn’t it true that much of South America is predominantly indigenous anyway? So it would seem that the only people who have an issue are the non-indigenous European South Americans.


Rosebunse t1_j1rh7pg wrote

Racism is something which can still effect people, especially in larger cities where there are fewer indigenous people.


ProjectBadass- t1_j1kwlqo wrote

I'm not sure if you're being facetious but there are a lot of white, European descended South Americans.


MedicalFoundation149 t1_j1n3aca wrote

There are, but Namor and his people would not be since since they are of purely pre-Columbian Mayans that cut themselves off from the outside world and thus didn't have the introduction of European genes that the rest of the Americas would receive over the next few centuries.


Leodan15 t1_j1m1urf wrote

Only the media didn’t like it. The audience (in Mexico) loved Tenoch playing a lead in a marvel movie.


Rosebunse t1_j1kdh6e wrote

I knew a few people in high school who still identify as Mayan. They were originally from Mexico, but they were from a region where it was pretty common.


TrippiesAngeldust t1_j1lloyz wrote

everyone i know who identifies as mayan speaks mam. (from the quetzaltenango and huehuetenango departments) i think it's so cool, especially when teaching siblings or cousins, they'll just switch over to their language/dialect in arguments and private conversations and nobody can understand them. were your classmates from chiapas? did any of them speak a dialect as well?


Dusk_v731 t1_j1l9zyo wrote

I was in Guatemala just last month, up north visiting Tikal and was completely unable to converse with our cab driver as he was speaking a mix of Spanish and Mayan. A member of our group spoke Spanish, but she could only understand bits and pieces of what was being said.


ed190 t1_j1lblv4 wrote

I’m from El Salvador and tikal is amazing. There are many Guatemalans that identify as Mayan descendants


Dangerous_Shirt9593 t1_j1lvoyc wrote

I visited Tikal just before Star Wars came out. For me it was mind blowing. There is a pyramid you could whisper on top and hear it clearly on the bottom. There was also modern graffiti in the temples. I am not sure if you are still allowed to climb the pyramids but if you are it is a must see


megalon43 t1_j1kcmmp wrote

Yeah, I thought they all went extinct in 2012.


danfish_77 t1_j1kfwmf wrote

What you think the civilization declined and all the people died out? Wait until you hear about the Chinese, Indians, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Mesopotamians, and Egyptians, then...


Swampberry t1_j1pmbps wrote

Romans and Mesopotamians aren't exactly people groups still around.


danfish_77 t1_j1qnajy wrote

Their descendants are, though, which is what I was getting at


Chicago1871 t1_j1m2kr2 wrote

My one my uncles from marriage speaks maya fluently with his family. Its pretty neat.


acesilver1 t1_j1mq2qe wrote

They never went away. They’re the indigenous people of Guatemala, southern Mexico, etc. same with the indigenous of the US and the indigenous of the Andes descended from the Inca. What doesn’t exist anymore is an independent Mayan civilization or country/city state. But they never went extinct or were intermixed with non-native Americans. There are some indigenous groups from Latin America that have functionally gone extinct either through excess intermixing with the colonizers who came to their land or by dying through disease and conquest. An example is the Taino people of the Caribbean. Their descendants have some Taino ancestry but it’s mostly mixed with African and European and not many, if any, genetically homogenous Taino exist.


Swampberry t1_j1pmife wrote

>There are some indigenous groups from Latin America that have functionally gone extinct either through excess intermixing with the colonizers who came to their land

You're kinda making it sound like those people claiming immigration leads to genocide simply by people becoming "excessively mixed".


acesilver1 t1_j1pw339 wrote

What the Europeans did to indigenous American groups during the age of colonization was, in essence, genocide. Stealing land, toppling civilizations, conquest through guns and disease, forced conversions, mass killings… it was not simply “immigration” lol

And yes, intermixing between oppressive colonizing cultures and native cultures tends to lead to the erasure of native cultures.


autotldr t1_j1jio91 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 62%. (I'm a bot)

> As stated in the release, the researchers were mapping some of Guatemala when they stumbled across what they describe as a massive ancient Maya civilization.

> Another finding that contradicts notions that early Mesoamerican settlements tended to be sparsely populated is that the individuals who formerly resided in the settlements had been closely clustered.

> The researchers also discovered that the inhabitants of the civilization had constructed reservoirs and canals to move and store water for usage during dry spells.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: civilization^#1 settlements^#2 researchers^#3 communities^#4 early^#5


Mictlantecuhtli t1_j1kgim7 wrote

So this article just ignores a century and a half of archaeological research?


santaclausonvacation t1_j1lc96v wrote

yeah, this place has been being excavated and studied forever. I went here and it is a well studied and established site. Not new.


GoTouchGrassPlease t1_j1ll2kb wrote

Are you telling us isn't the best source for archeology news?


sonicjigglebath t1_j1k5u9t wrote

Who was the guy on the JRE that was going on and on about LiDAR?


Dhrnt t1_j1k8mf4 wrote

Graham Hancock.


Phytanic t1_j1kenbq wrote

this dude is at best a "psuedoarcheologist", which IMHO is a more PR-friendly term for "raving conspiracy theorist who uses circumstantial evidence in an attempt to prove something that does not hold up against logic." AKA Whatever this guy does, know that any sort of "analysis" and expansion of ideas is going to be rather questionable.


XXLpeanuts t1_j1khgvd wrote

You can pretty much assume that for anyone on the JRE now days.


rmovny_schnr98 t1_j1l9bcz wrote

He's a great storyteller and I love listening to him rambling about some ancient civilization that only he knows about. But it's mostly fantasy. He's like a modern day's Karl May.


stegg88 t1_j1m005o wrote

This is exactly my feeling. Like i know its not true but he tells a great story regardless!


ProjectBadass- t1_j1kwo7q wrote

He's a journalist


valentc t1_j1l1upi wrote

In what way is this man a journalist? He seems like a hack that got lucky.


ProjectBadass- t1_j1lrvni wrote

That's his profession?


valentc t1_j1mbpra wrote

He hasn't been published in anything significant since the 90s.

Why bring it up? What relevance does this have to him being a pseudo scientist?


ProjectBadass- t1_j1muwty wrote

I replied to a post about him being a pseudo archeologist. He never claimed to be an archeologist. He's claimed to be a journalist.


valentc t1_j1ne6sa wrote

Journalist : a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast.

Hasn't done any of this since the 90s.

So I'll go with his Wikipedia description:

British writer who promotes pseudoscientific theories involving ancient civilizations and lost lands.

I feel the most important part of that is the word pseudoscientific


glurtle_skletch t1_j1mgdcz wrote

People get very insecure about their Broe Jogan, they are always on the defensive about the qualifications of the loons he brings on his show. As if that stops any of us from knowing they're loons just hearing them talk.


santaclausonvacation t1_j1lc3sm wrote

Ive been here. I took a bus from TIkal to a village deep in the rainf forest. From there we hired a Xatero (which is a guy who collects Xate for floral arrangements) he knew the way and we hiked 3 days to the Dante Complex which is the tallest pyramid in the world (depending on how you measure). On the way we walked along the causeways, saw several ancient pyramids and village ruins and had a really good time.

All in all it took us 10 days to get there, stay for a few days in the camp, and hike back. Highlights were the workers there who were really cool, the jungle which is very overgrown, and the animals we saw like a big ass snake, a bunch of monkeys, etc...


Orqee t1_j1jppcg wrote

Did the seek out only new Life or new civilizations to? - am asking for Picard.


skittlesmcgee33 t1_j1kezsn wrote

Crazy. What language do they speak? Do we have anyone who can translate?


MacaroniBandit214 t1_j1kmg7m wrote

Yucatec and it’s still spoken in some regions


iamskrb t1_j1m44y9 wrote

Yucatec isn't spoken in Guatemala but over 20 other Mayan languages are.


Windyowl t1_j1lv3at wrote

Something like 15% of Mayan ruins had been excavated. There’s little money and resources to keep uncovering them like the ones operated as main tourist attractions.


SouthernFriedGreens t1_j1m4h4r wrote

South America has its native indians too. Kind of strange to think about the influx of Indian indians into the Americas...


mamamiatucson t1_j1mfaln wrote

The thousands of Unaccompanied minors that seek asylum here in the US speak literally dying Mayan dialects- they learn Spanish for survival but we have these living artifacts we could learn from, here now. As a system we are failing to preserve our own heritage


FalseRegister t1_j1l60i9 wrote

What a coincidence they find them after the release of the Black Panther movie...


MerchantOfUndeath t1_j1jqh0z wrote



Netherese_Nomad t1_j1jxoim wrote

No, the Mormons are still wrong. the idea of wooden submarines lit by magic rocks is still stupid.


MerchantOfUndeath t1_j1jxt1d wrote

Leave it to the Netherese to defy divinity.


armadillocrossing22 t1_j1k8ykl wrote

This is clearly irony

As if any mormon hasnt already heard of the CES letter 10 years ago


glurtle_skletch t1_j1mgvi9 wrote

Sounds like you didn't leave the church and you do believe it. I left Catholicism but that doesn't mean I start defending the Church whenever another kid gets raped.


armadillocrossing22 t1_j1ngaox wrote

The guy saying "zarahemla" and "leave it to the netherese to defy divinity" is clearly joking and its annoying how everyone doesnt get it.

Ive been shit on by people my whole life for being mormon. Ive left and most of my family has left but theres just a smugness people have in shitting on it.

Obviously its not true, you have to be extremely gullible to believe in the church.

Im not defending the church im defending someone who is being ironic clearly.
