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Jerm8888 t1_j1hw5pc wrote

What’s going on in the world?

Heard of border fighting between Pakistan/Afghanistan, India/China…

Azerbaijan and Armenia also killing each other… seriously


Atheios569 t1_j1hzrcb wrote

Serbia/Kosovo, Israel/All ME, Greece/Turkey, Saudi/Iran, NK/SK, Russia/West, China/West. This is how world wars start. The lines are being drawn economically, and soon militarily.


OnThe_Spectrum t1_j1jbt81 wrote

Israel is not fighting against all the Middle East. When was there a shot fired between them and Jordan or Egypt or anyone other than Iran’s terrorist Islamist group targeting civilian cities and not Israel’s military?

China illegally invading Hong Kong After illegally invading Mongolia and Tibet and threatening to invade Taiwan is not China vs the West.


Toloran t1_j1jfm57 wrote

> When was there a shot fired between them and Jordan or Egypt or anyone other than Iran’s terrorist Islamist group targeting civilian cities and not Israel’s military?

I don't know, I can't think of any such times.


Atheios569 t1_j1jbynu wrote

I wasn’t referring to shots fired, but alluding to the fact that tensions are high.


killiomankili t1_j1iwvbt wrote

Azerbaijan and Armenia have been at each others throats for decades now


-wnr- t1_j1jf331 wrote

All those border disputes stretch back decades.