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aham_brahmasmi t1_j2asnwf wrote

India becoming friendly with Greece and supplying weapons to Cyprus and Armenia. Someone is not feeling very happy at the moment.


Cat_Of_Culture t1_j2c6eip wrote

If they wanted to be happy, they shouldn't have poked around in Kashmir.


SamiUso t1_j2cwu7y wrote

> Armenia

the fact that the Bengal and armenian genocides arent recognized and taught worldwide is a failure of humanity in itself.

We recognize armenian genocide [unofficially]. theres even a memorial in kolkata


Armchairbroke t1_j2crt8x wrote

Well Cleary India if they are making these sorts of agreements out of spite and nothing else lol


Strong-Spirit-2695 t1_j2cv1oa wrote

Haha India already has sold defence systems to Armenia, and it's a matter of time before India exports systems to Greece or Cyprus.