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Slartibartfast39 t1_j1ph0mr wrote

I think take what we need without breaching any sanctions and keep building up a diverse base so we're not dependent on Russia if and when they decide to cut it off again.


Independent_Pear_429 t1_j1pjqfx wrote

Nah. Fuck Russia. They can take their gas and shove it up their arse


Rapiz t1_j1ph2tz wrote

This would fuel their war.


Slartibartfast39 t1_j1phez2 wrote

I understand we're (Europe) aren't in a great position to cut this off at will as we're too dependent on the supply. If I have it right it's not just about switching to a more expensive supply but actually not having the supply to meet demand which could harm us more than Russia.

I freely admit I've not looked into this exhaustively mainly laziness and the fact I've got not influence about what happens here until and election comes up at which point I'll be looking at the various situations that batter to me.


_juan_carlos_ t1_j1pphkq wrote

Russia is truly utterly desperate to say this and in top of that send their miserable propagandist to push here such idiotic arguments.