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obsessivesnuggler t1_j1zgszb wrote

Of course, they did same thing in the 90's.
Next step is getting weapons. And then shooting up police patrols. They will say it was in self defense.


Jayhall516 t1_j20c7oz wrote

If only there were a country nearby that’s been receiving shit tons of free weapons with basically no accountability…


Rich_Eater t1_j20dzko wrote

> The problem is that the Serbian media likes to make it appear that we Albanians are oppressing the Serbs

They don't need the media for that. That's part of their culture.

Being a perpetual victim. Everybody is to blame for their plight. Everybody but them.


Infantry1stLt t1_j22yfy8 wrote

Reminds me of their bigger cousin out east.


Rich_Eater t1_j25ku18 wrote

Well, yeah.

They both have ambitions of creating a "Great" whatever the fuck.

Mhmm! A big, giant, great mound of dookie.