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LocoDoge t1_j1c1oe8 wrote

Watch Elon Musk save them


damnedangel t1_j1c27nf wrote

Space is neutral territory

If someone is in trouble, you do everything in your power to save them.


Cycode t1_j1c3gjb wrote

> If someone is in trouble, you do everything in your power to save them.

but if "someone" would be putin or similiar people, i wouldn't give a shit about "space is neutral territory". they can help themself.


LocoDoge t1_j1c69mo wrote

Elon Musk would still save them


AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j1c55kf wrote

If SpaceX can do it, it’ll be the first positive thing I’m willing to say about Musk in a while.

Those are just scientists up there: If they can get home, they should get home, and I honestly don’t care who does it, if they can do it.


Tonaia t1_j1c77wt wrote

Russia is preparing to swap out a Progress cargo mission with a Soyuz mission right now. They have a few months to work on the issue if it turns out the craft isn't serviceable for return.