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decomposition_ t1_j1lt7d5 wrote

The US and Russia have informed each other of operations in the past though, what’s different about Turkey doing it?


skeetmonster69 t1_j1ltt77 wrote

The difference is when Russia and the US do it they are basically saying we are here dont fuck with us and we wont fuck with you, and everyone in the area is flying the biggest flags with the fingers on the trigger waiting for the other to fuck around and find out. This actually happened in 2018 when the Wagner group tried assualting a US outpost in syria and got wiped off the earth.

Turkey is asking a NATO adversary for permission to use their controlled air space because the US (their NATO ally) would deny access to their controlled space to attack a quasi NATO ally (the Kurds).

Turkey is also in the middle of delaying Finland and Sweden from joining NATO for BS political reasons. Turkey is unfortunately a necessary evil for NATO for easy access to the middle east.


ZrvaDetector t1_j1mjgz6 wrote

The US doesn't control the airspace in Northern Syria and Turkey isn't asking permission to use the airspace. In fact, American aircrafts flying in Syria mostly take off from Turkey, İncirlik and thus need Turkish permission to operate.

>The difference is when Russia and the US do it they are basically saying we are here dont fuck with us and we wont fuck with you

It's literally the same situation. Turkey and Russia directly clashed in Syria several times though they mostly just target each other's proxies.

>Turkey is also in the middle of delaying Finland and Sweden from joining NATO for BS political reasons.

Both had arms embargoes against Turkey and have only now started to ease them. Why the hell would Turkey welcome countries that sanction into an alliance where Turkish troops would be forced to fight for them in case of a Russian attack when they don't treat Turkey like an ally at all?


guluscooby t1_j1of0a2 wrote

BS political reasons? Turkey has been fighting terrorism for years, lots of attacks happened and recently one in Istanbul, how is it a BS reason that Turkey wants what it needs ?


LionsLoseAgain t1_j1n81or wrote

We did the same thing with Russia when we sent delta force to go kill al baghdaddi. We had to fly helicopters into airspace that was covered by russian ada.


ThatGuyMiles t1_j1nvn5y wrote

Okay, I’m not the person who called them collaborators, but how are you rationalizing a conversation that goes like this, “Yo, Russia just FYI I’m about to do some shit.” To, “Hey daddy Putin, is there some deal we can work out here so I can use your satellite state’s airspace, thanks”. And pretending they are the SAME thing…

JFC, is common sense dead on this planet.