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Aytanri- t1_j1lva72 wrote

Firstly, I'm not a "tankie" if you want to describe anyone as "tankies", you might want to look at YPG/PKK which the US backs in Syria. They literally follow a Marxist-Leninist Ideology and are the result of the Soviets trying to weaken NATOs eastern flank by destabilizing Turkey.

And the Afghan Mujahedeen which later on transformed into the Taliban were the backbone of the counter-Soviet operation in Afghanistan. Doesn't change the fact that the Taliban are terrorists and no better than the Soviets.

"Hold NATO hostage" last time I checked it was the US that went into the Middle East, fucked up the whole Region and left Turkey to deal with the mess alone.

"They are not a counter Russian entity for NATO.". Yet they are the only country in NATOs history to shoot down a Russian Jet, they are directly fighting against Russian proxies in Syria, the Caucasus, North Africa and pushing against Russian influence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Meanwhile, France and Germany were busy exporting military technology to Russia not too long ago, and I already brought up how France collaborates with Russia in Libya against Turkey and Italy.


SwiftSnips t1_j1m2knt wrote

That whole region has been fucked up a very long time. Before the US went in terrorist groups were everywhere just like they are today. Hell, before they went in a group of them even managed to coordinate well enough to hijack 4 planes and fly them into 3 US buildings killing thousands.

The problem is they will not bend at all on their archaic beliefs, and apparently their beliefs very, very easily lead to radicalism and extreme views. Not all are this way, I dont generalize... but an uncommonly high percentage are.

You mismashed multiple different topics into a few paragraphs like that sums it all up. Erdogan is himself a terrorist with Russian $ stuffed in every pocket.


Aytanri- t1_j1m7m0u wrote

Without the US invasion of Iraq, ISIS would have never evolved to the enormous threat it once was. Ironically enough, the US funded Saudi Arabia's wahabism campaign as a means to combat communism in the Middle East. That too, came back biting them.


The US is responsible for numerous brutal and illegal invasions as well as staging coups, backing dictators, extrajudicial killings, and all the war crimes they committed during said invasions. No better than any of these terror groups. Seems like US imperialism also very easily leads to radicalism and extreme views.

Everything I said was about the same topic. Also, the US is no less terrorist than Russia is.


IshyTheLegit t1_j1r2xo4 wrote

If the US is so bad for supporting Islamic terrorism, why did Turkey declare war against the anti-Islamist in Libya?


Aytanri- t1_j1rlxd5 wrote

Turkey backs the UN recognized Libyan Government against the Russian backed warlord Haftar, who was convicted by a US-court for War Crimes, so a literal War Criminal. I guess the Wagner group, which is fighting for Haftar in Libya, is also "anti-islamist" now, I guess that also means that they are the "good guys" now.