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Left_Share3227 t1_j1tryag wrote

So you would have all imprisoned/shot for expressing what they feel is right ? That’s what I’m hearing ?


BanBreaking t1_j1tsi9w wrote

shot? who said anything about shooting them? I see where your mind is at.

How about we don't support terrorsm in any way shape or form? how does that sound to you?


Left_Share3227 t1_j1ttj9k wrote

All depends where you want to draw the line. Cause the Kurds were protesting. Not terrorizing.

Your literally pointing all blame at the protestors going crazy because their people were killed.

What would you do if your mother, brother, child was just casually enjoying their coffee/lunch at a cafe during a protest an someone opens fire on them ? I’ll tell you what you would do you would get any other human you could to take too the streets an demand answers.

Answers the French Government dosent have because it wasn’t them who organized the shooting, so now you have no way to take out your rage so what do you do ?

Are you from turkey ? Im sure Erdogan considers all “protestors” “terrorists”. Ecspecially when they actually want too hold a Democratic election.

Edit: also good try trying to flip that “I see we’re your mind is at” bullshit on me. You clearly are a racist.


Aytanri- t1_j1tz5ce wrote

They were attacking Police, burning cars, destroying private property, even in Cities outside of Paris.

If that isn't organized terror, than I don't know what is.

A Turkish Student in Paris was brutally murdered a few weeks ago by getting shot in the back of his head.

Did you see any French Turks rioting in the Streets? Making Kurds responsible? Running after Kurds in the streets, like the PKK-Sympathizers did when they saw Turks during the riots? Vandalizing the City? No, you didn't even see any News Articles by foreign Media mentioning this.


BanBreaking t1_j1tu7eq wrote

If my mother/brother/sister/father was shot drinking coffee I wouldnt wave an ISIS flag m8. its literally that simple. From your comment I gather that you're 2 steps away from waving an Al Qaeda flag. all it takes is a family members murder.


Left_Share3227 t1_j1tunsc wrote

I mean no I don’t follow islam. But you ignored most of my points which makes me feel like your intentionally blinding yourself so you can feel right so ima just stop typing

Jus remember if you ever go west protesting dosent equal terrorism.

An what they did after the shooting which was “riot”also dosent equal terrorism.

You give me the feeling you don’t like Kurds as a people in general.


BanBreaking t1_j1tuuol wrote

I'm not blinding myself. What I'm saying is grief doesn't naturally result in waving terrorist flags. Do you think that's normal?

Also I never said they are terrorists. But supporting terrorists and wabi f the flags of groups which have murdered civilians should be illegal. Oh and meanwhile, European news such as Euronews and BBC call these terrorists "freedom fighters". If that's not making light of the situation i don't know what is.

Also; i take it that you'll wave some sort of terrorist flag more in line with you beliefs then?


Left_Share3227 t1_j1tv8vx wrote

Dude are obsessed with flags or something ? This may be hard to believe but not everyone is concerned with what flags are at a protest.

Nope if I’m at a protest I’m their to protest. Just because a protester brings a flag to a protest in your mind means all people are protesting support for that flag ? I hope that isn’t your opinion on it because that would be a very simple minded an outright idiotic thought.

Edit: You “I never called them terrorists”. Also you on the protests because you saw a flag. “How about we don’t support terrorism of any kind.”

This is becoming a bad debate my friend you keep making me feel like I’m more right.


BanBreaking t1_j1tvyty wrote

are you fucking insane? Obv I'm concered about the flags because flags are historically representative of what ideology someone supports? if this not clear as day for you westerners? then why ban nazi flags in germany? you are contradicting yourself on so many levels.


>“How about we don’t support terrorism of any kind.”

yeah directed at the french government for allowing that shit.


if you think you are more right after this you havent had enough bombings in your home town my friend. if you are French, maybe the Paris bombing wasn't enough for you to understand how much of a threat these things pose.