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southpalito t1_j28efjo wrote

She failed to perform for the western audiences that built her up. Ultimately she is just a flawed politician with no real power.


Mizral t1_j28qe85 wrote

Her entire family was held hostage by the military. I'm not saying shes perfect but I wonder how any of us would act in such a situation?


Who_DaFuc_Asked t1_j2951as wrote

I mean, the point is that if she did do something, the military junta would have just killed or falsely imprisoned her anyway.


WellHacktually t1_j2afolb wrote

As opposed to her publicly defending their genocidal acts, as she in fact did, which resulted in the junta... falsely imprisoning her (so far) anyway. Brilliant strategy, there.


whatelseisneu t1_j2cjdw9 wrote

This is probably the correct take. She was under house arrest for like 15 years and finally stepped into "power" with an absolute menace waiting to pry her from it.

She knew the people of Myanmar better than any of us, and was walking a fine line trying to solidify democratic institutions over time while staving off another military takeover.

At the end of the day, she wasn't perfect in the eyes of the west, but she was far better than the junta. Yeah she did a shit job at denouncing it, but look who took over: the people actually committing it.


bustedbuddha t1_j28mt6r wrote

This is a weird way to spell actively supported ethnic cleansing.
