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Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j2aqdih wrote

Ban them at least until they've gone though their wave.


TXTCLA55 t1_j2bey91 wrote

... yeah that doesn't work.


Kaskako t1_j2cn74q wrote

I’ve played Plague Inc enough to reject your thesis, unless you can explain why? I’m guessing they’d just use a different route? But going through customs leaves stamps on passports?

What covid has shown is that Plague Inc is unrealistic because governments and people seem to be too smart compared to reality.


TXTCLA55 t1_j2d80fj wrote

You played a game where you have global command control. That doesn't exist in real life and good luck ever trying to make it exist.


PurpEL t1_j2bb9nu wrote

A negative test is plenty


Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j2bjwcj wrote

Considering many places like hospitals want a test 3 days before you visit shows that the virus can be dormant/undetectable after soon getting it.

People on planes can easily give it to each other and not be picked up by tests.

Luggage and clothing can also contain the virus which may infect them shortly after.


JeromeMixTape t1_j2d9l96 wrote

It’s not that easy to pass the virus to someone else on a plane due to the way the pressurised cabin works.