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jangohutch t1_j22s2u8 wrote

The problem though is the implications that a group of countries at any point can fix a market. People don’t see past Russia here. America continues to do whatever it wants around the world.


Jamuro t1_j23do80 wrote

right because the oil market wasn't already a fixed shitshow with opec+ and friends


jangohutch t1_j24ed8o wrote

For sure but I thought we were supposed to be the better people here the righteous and fair and ethically correct country.


cech_ t1_j23a76y wrote

Why is that a problem? Anyone should be able to refuse service, no?


jangohutch t1_j24evjb wrote

Refusing service and declaring you will buy something a price you pick are different things, the market picks the prices in a free market which I thought as being a real liberal I would have support over things like free speech freedom of choice freedom of speech but people’s hatred of everything these days blinds them to making rational decisions


cech_ t1_j24x78j wrote

Sure, one is rejecting one is regulating. There's issues like that with insulin and runaway pricing so regulation may be put in place. You believe we are in a world wide free market? You know we have lots of rules in our market, lots of taxes as well?


Formulka t1_j23pput wrote

By “a group” you mean every large economy except India and China.


jangohutch t1_j24dvx0 wrote

I mean every other country except western countries. Most countries simply go along with America because it can and will devastate a economy that does not play with its politics, it’s essentially a bully, which thinks it’s always right


ric2b t1_j23u5vu wrote

Agreed, the West should have good plans in case something similar happens against it, sort of like the oil crisis in the 70's.