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Fhujeth t1_j182hak wrote

Okay, I am aware of these factors but unfortunately, the actions of Israeli government are affecting us terribly. It just gives more fuel to antisemites, and even "woke" people who are supposed to be on the side of minorities.

It's literally screwing us. Israel should exist but it needs to stop making a clown of the Jewish people. Hell, a good chunk of Americans, even not antisemitic ones, think Jew and Israeli are interchangeable terms and the same thing.

We were hated bad before but this is the worst I've seen it in my lifetime and there is literally nothing we can do, and people will keep turning to Israel as a bad place.

I can't even comfortably tell people I am Jewish. People are taught antisemitic world view in University. Blame the Jewish Puppet Master stuff, watch out! They'll use the Holocaust card as justification for their actions!

And the people are not willing to realize we are just people too.

This is my own opinion, I'm not much a fan of NATO satellite states that will inevitably scapegoat my people, either.


magicaldingus t1_j18m108 wrote

The fact that you can't comfortably tell people you're Jewish is not Israel's fault. It's anti-semites' fault.


Fhujeth t1_j18orxk wrote

In that case, all non Jews are antisemites that I have met. They've all instantly treated me different, probed me with questions (mostly on Israel), and excluded me from holiday stuff. But now the actions of Israel is making it way, way worse.

Yes, firstly it is antisemites fault, but the Israeli gov being so radical is salt in the wound.

I think we need a place like Israel, I'm not against that. But talking about it like it getting more and more conservative and theocratic isn't cool. These actions are affecting us outside of Israel and feeding antisemites that are too dumb to realize an American Jew is not always a Zionist.

These are my opinions. You do not need to listen or agree, but I'm going to be hard pressed to see otherwise.

I know that Israel is just defending it's self, but it feels very bad with how it chooses to defend it's self.

Of course Arabs should also reform stuff and aide the Palestinians and won't.

Sorry I'm not receptive entirely to what you're saying. I see your point but I don't feel like you see mine, so i have very little left to say.


magicaldingus t1_j18v084 wrote

>In that case, all non Jews are antisemites that I have met. They've all instantly treated me different, probed me with questions (mostly on Israel), and excluded me from holiday stuff. But now the actions of Israel is making it way, way worse. >Yes, firstly it is antisemites fault, but the Israeli gov being so radical is salt in the wound.

Yes, it does sound like they all exhibit antisemetic behaviour, if that's the case. But, if a bunch of bullies pick on you because you're friends with a nerd, do you get upset at your friend for doing things that make the bullies want to pick on him and you (maybe he picks his nose or wears thick glasses)?

>I think we need a place like Israel, I'm not against that. But talking about it like it getting more and more conservative and theocratic isn't cool. These actions are affecting us outside of Israel and feeding antisemites that are too dumb to realize an American Jew is not always a Zionist.

And I said I completely understand, and feel the same way. I also feel increasingly disenfranchised by Israel's political trajectory. That said I recognize I'm not exactly meant to be completely enfranchised by their decisions because I'm not an Israeli citizen. I just won't get onboard with the "feeding anti-semites" crap. Their aim is to sew division. Why let them win? Also - most Jews (including you, apparently) ARE Zionists. A zionist is just someone who thinks Israel should exist. Again, don't let anti-semites poison the well for you here. A zionist is not someone who supports all of Israel's actions no matter what - in fact, imo that would be very un-zionist since I believe that leveling critique of one's country is an inherently patriotic act.

>These are my opinions. You do not need to listen or agree, but I'm going to be hard pressed to see otherwise.

I am listening, and I do agree with some of them.

>I know that Israel is just defending it's self, but it feels very bad with how it chooses to defend it's self.

I completely agree. I try to remind myself that sometimes pragmatism and urgency colours their situation in a way that a Canadian like me can't fully appreciate. I think it's insane that this Kahanist bullshit is taking footholds in the Knesset, but I can at least understand why it's happening. And without understanding, you can't really address the root issues. If you don't seek to understand, you just end up being inflammatory.

>Of course Arabs should also reform stuff and aide the Palestinians and won't. > >Sorry I'm not receptive entirely to what you're saying. I see your point but I don't feel like you see mine, so i have very little left to say.

I think I do see your point.


Fhujeth t1_j18wlgo wrote

Thank you. And no, I wouldn't get directly mad at my friend but I would carefully try to explain why a behaviour is leading to him getting bullied and therefore affecting me as well. I wouldn't stop being their friend but I would say stuff like, "girls really don't like it when you info dump about Pokemon on them. Let's go find Pokemon fans we can talk to instead."

Like, I study history for fun, which has lead to me to already some strange feelings about WHY UK/US etc gave us foothold back in Israel. I doubt they cared about us truly wanting to go home. They have ulterior motives, always do. If they cared, the US at least wouldn't have been so Antisemitic just a few years prior to Israel coming to be.

I think Zionist has since had the definition ruined, since it already sounds so militant. I'm also not for a Theocracy, just the safety net that Israel offers to Jews from persecution. Yet while we seek safety there, it feels hypocritical.

Like we know Palestinians did this to themselves too. They're not innocent victims of Israeli government only. They are victims of their grandparents starting the wars to destroy Israel.

But that doesn't excuse Israel from being so alt right that it's doing what it's doing.

I'm glad we are on the same page then. I'm sick of all the misconstrued stuff, but mostly the hate. I e never felt safe to be Jewish, and now it's worse than ever... I'm scared and mad and powerless to do anything about it.


magicaldingus t1_j18yfcm wrote

>Thank you. And no, I wouldn't get directly mad at my friend but I would carefully try to explain why a behaviour is leading to him getting bullied and therefore affecting me as well. I wouldn't stop being their friend but I would say stuff like, "girls really don't like it when you info dump about Pokemon on them. Let's go find Pokemon fans we can talk to instead."

I completely agree, and this is what I'm suggesting.

>Like, I study history for fun, which has lead to me to already some strange feelings about WHY UK/US etc gave us foothold back in Israel. I doubt they cared about us truly wanting to go home. They have ulterior motives, always do. If they cared, the US at least wouldn't have been so Antisemitic just a few years prior to Israel coming to be.

Also completely agree. At the end of the day, Israel was born of pragmatism. Countries with different interests can share similar goals and this is an example. I also think that antisemetism is part and parcel of why they supported Israel in the early years.

>I think Zionist has since had the definition ruined, since it already sounds so militant. I'm also not for a Theocracy, just the safety net that Israel offers to Jews from persecution. Yet while we seek safety there, it feels hypocritical.

The definition has never changed. Like I said, you can thank anti-semites for poisoning the well here and muddying the connotations. The aims of their redefinition of the word is to make you feel bad for believing in the self-determination of your people. These are people who's lives would be much more convenient if you didn't exist, and would love for you to just assimilate in to American culture, or die because you live in Israel.

>Like we know Palestinians did this to themselves too. They're not innocent victims of Israeli government only. They are victims of their grandparents starting the wars to destroy Israel.


>But that doesn't excuse Israel from being so alt right that it's doing what it's doing.

Also agree.

>I'm glad we are on the same page then. I'm sick of all the misconstrued stuff, but mostly the hate. I e never felt safe to be Jewish, and now it's worse than ever... I'm scared and mad and powerless to do anything about it.

I encourage you to stick out your chest and be Jewish, despite all the hate you feel. After all - being Jewish is not supposed to be easy, it's always been an active choice. As someone who studies history, I'm sure you can appreciate this.


Fhujeth t1_j1907q0 wrote

Thank you for hearing me out and I'll keep these things in mind.

I didn't choose to be Jewish but to antisemites that doesn't matter.


magicaldingus t1_j1939f5 wrote

You choose to be Jewish every time you call yourself Jewish


Fhujeth t1_j193qah wrote

Historically it didn't tend to work that way. I'm ethnically Jewish, and even if I touted Nazi rhetoric, I'd just be a crypto Jew...