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aaden08 t1_j20j9ln wrote

Jordan is still on friendlier terms with Israel than a lot of other Arab countries. He's just being a politician and trying to appeal to his base which empathizes with Palestinian politics.


plastikelastik t1_j22vwua wrote

He doesn't need to appeal to "his base" he's not a politician, he's a monarch.


aaden08 t1_j22yzbh wrote

True but haven't we seen similar Arab leaders in that region who were equal in status get overthrown or deal with civil wars? Doubt he's scared of that, but he wants to seem like he cares about certain issues regardless. But Jordan isn't a threat to Israel anyway. We saw how the 6 day war went.


[deleted] t1_j20kefw wrote



aaden08 t1_j20rth4 wrote

? Jordan recognizes Israel and has a peace treaty and agreements on border disputes for decades.

Saudi has barely started to acknowledge the chance of normal relations with Israel.