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IllmaticaL1 t1_j22p9sy wrote

Nuttinyohoo sucks. Everyone close to sanity hates him.


metametapraxis t1_j22qrrm wrote

Other than the giant part of the population that voted for him, presumably? Extreme right-wing populations vote in extreme right-wing governments.


Rich-Instruction-327 t1_j22wzsw wrote

Under Netanyahu Israel became a highly develped country, per capita GDP grew 60% and unemployement was 3.4%. I don't think he deserves all the credit for that but it's ridiculous to act like people have to be insane or right wing extremists to vote for him. If Trump had put up even half those GDP growth numbers he would have won the last election by a landslide.


metametapraxis t1_j22y0v9 wrote

I don't feel like anyone can vote for a right-wing extremist and then abdicate responsibility for it. We have been down that path before.

The people who voted for Trump were simply grossly misguided.


frosthowler t1_j23lya1 wrote

Netanyahu is not a right-wing extremist. Israel is a parliamentary democracy, so parties must create coalitions that encapsulate as many parties as needed to take a majority of parliament.

Netanyahu is being boycotted by his traditional partners, the center & center-right.His partners are the religious parties (which aren't politically right or left, they are socially right) and the far right parties (which are politically hard right and socially not necessarily left or right--usually left).

So the problem is Netanyahu is selling out the country by creating a government consisting entirely of political fringes of society (except the Arab parties) + Likud, which is a center-right party. As far as politics go, it is equivalent to the Democrats in policy. Parties to the left of him are simply much more left than the Democrats.


1dererLives t1_j242i81 wrote

>which aren't politically right or left, they are socially right

So politically right then, because they're politicians.


frosthowler t1_j243t1w wrote

I understand your comprehension of political ideologies is single-dimensional and tunneled, but please at least try to educate yourself.

You may start your reading here on socially left ideologies:

And here's socially right ideologies:

As far as politically left or right, that means in reference to the state's notion of left/right politics. In Israel, politically, alternative left is reserved for jihadists and other anti-Zionists, the left is reserved for the Zionist peace-optimistic camp, the right is reserved for the Zionist peace-pessimistic camp, and the alternative right is reserved for the pro-settlements camp.

As you may guess--or not, considering your comment leaves little hopes in that respect--this spectrum of left to right in no way corresponds to the ideologies professed by social liberalism or conservatism. A different order is required in order to redistribute those camps across a social liberalism/conservatism spectrum. And, indeed, split them up into new camps completely, as there are communists in the same camp as the jihadists, which are very much incompatible ideologies.

Many 'left-wing' politicians are socially conservatist and many 'right-wing' politicians are socially liberal.


3dio t1_j23ft2m wrote

Netanyahu isn't considered extreme. It's his current coalition partners who are well known extremists. This is due to other big parties refusing to form a coalition with him (stating his ongoing criminal court cases)


1dererLives t1_j2439nd wrote

You are who you decide to become compatriots with. A man who empowers extremists is himself an extremist, as an extremist is merely anyone who acts to advance extremist goals.

All other definitions are sophistry.

Moreover, Netanyahu did not partner with extremists because his traditional partners boycotted him, he partnered with extremists because he was willing to do so in order to hold power.

The option to simply accept that he would be unable to form a governing coalition was always on the table, but when faced with a choice between embracing extremism and losing the ability to form government, he chose extremism.


3dio t1_j252nxz wrote

He chose to save his own arse in court by seizing power (democratically). He's an opportunist. He lacks any extremist ideal to be considered one. He's a grifter. A common thief


YairJ t1_j2324sn wrote

What's extreme right about Netanyahu?


Pilast OP t1_j22w7rr wrote

No giant part of the population voted for Bibi. His coalition - not party - only edged out Lapid's coalition by a few Knesset seats. His majority is slim and unstable, as it was in his recent governments.


Lolwaitwuttt t1_j22sywx wrote

That’s not really how it works.

He is simply the most high profile person that the majority of representatives hate the least


metametapraxis t1_j22u0gj wrote

I suppose there is some truth in that, but the voters can't really wash their hands of the choice.