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frosthowler t1_j1zasp4 wrote

wtf? how? you mean supermarket chains? surely not grocery stores, especially not in all of Canada!

can I read more about this somewhere? was it something in some specific town? that sounds nuts


frosthowler t1_j1zyykh wrote



WaypointGL t1_j208par wrote

Not to mention that a lot of conglomerates control almost all the markets In some aspects. VAT is key at least here on Denmark to at least track sales and ensuring that companies report accurate numbers as the VAT is paid to the government. You get that back later, but it's also to ensure that everything is being done by the book and eases discovering g discrepancies in the company books.

I for one am.a huge fan as it's also helped us know what we can and can't do with taxes on our year old company!


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j1zf76g wrote

Bread price-fixing in Canada

>The Competition Bureau of Canada alleged, in court documents released 31 January 2018, that seven Canadian bread companies committed indictable offences in what journalist Michael Enright later termed "the great Canadian bread price-fixing scandal" of 2018. Penalties can range from $25 million to a prison term of 14 years.

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