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Regularguy10369 t1_j23xwp1 wrote

Worse than most other attacks that targeted infrastructure , they specifically targeted civilians there homes and the mains streets they use every day.

Hopefully when this war is finally won by Ukraine it will be declared that russia is a terrorist state and be punished.

All i really want to see is no russians allowed to cross the borders from russia and russia to get even harsher sanctions until they openly denounce the war crimes and send the perpetrator's to the hauge or even better to ukriane courts to be punsihed.


ErikTheAngry t1_j24zgxw wrote

>All i really want to see is no russians allowed to cross the borders from russia

The more Russians that run away from Russia, the faster their country will outright fail.

They're already circling the drain, and that's a huge reason why they're trying to hard to prevent Russians from leaving.

Obviously, we need to ensure those Russians do not export their toxic culture to the rest of us. But if they want to assimilate into the societies they immigrate to, they make those societies stronger whilst making Russia weaker.

If they don't want to assimilate, then they can go the fuck back to Russia.


daniel_22sss t1_j29lmdy wrote

"Obviously, we need to ensure those Russians do not export their toxic culture to the rest of us."

Unfortunately thats exactly whats happening. Very small amount of russians actually assimilates into new socities. Most of the time they just want to enjoy quality of western life, while still having all the shitty beliefs of the russian culture. I knew a russian woman (she worked together with my mother), that had a great job in USA, she ran away from Russia cause she hated government... and she STILL excused Crimea annexation. Thats how fucked up they are. No matter what horrible things Putin would do, they would still support him just cause "its my country".

Russians are xenophobic af and nationalistic af. If you let them in, they will just shit on your head. Very small amount of russians in Germany are against the war. Very small amount of russians in USA are against the war. Most of them support it, they just don't want to be dying there.


Ffusu t1_j286139 wrote

Wat a shit narrative and loads of comments double down on it. Russia is NOT targeting hospitals… stop giving them credit for sake of demonizing them. Their missiles are craps, and so badly guided, it hits whatever it lands on and that is pathetic and terrible. Russia burning their inventories in order to claim small victories to keep up the dwindling moral, stop helping them claim them as such, state them as what they are not “victories” but actual failures to have any progress in their special military operation.


daniel_22sss t1_j29lqwy wrote

I mean, this time their missiles were WAY off course. Its too much for simple malfunction.


Cold-Change5060 t1_j2bwfme wrote

> Its too much for simple malfunction.

Source please.

You are making shit up.


daniel_22sss t1_j2c37zq wrote

...Bruh, this article directly tells you that rockets hit all kinds of civilian houses, and barely any power stations, when in all previous attacks they hit power stations pretty regularly and pretty accurately. Do you even read, bruh? You want to tell me that all the missiles just HAPPENED to hit the houses this time?

Also, I live in fucking Kiev right next to a power station, and whenever russians are attacking power stations, I always hear anti-air working near us or missiles blowing up. This time most of them just avoided our place entirely, which is weird for an attack that is targeted at power stations.

Yes, russian missiles ARE shit, but lets not pretend as if they are above terror attacks and they just "happened" to hit schools, hospitals and civilian houses. They dropped a bomb on a theater with "children" written on it, ffs.


Dependent_Yak8887 t1_j241ek1 wrote

I share your anger. I try to imagine a world in which RUSSIA overthrows their government and JOINS NATO rather than remaining an international pariah. The enemy in this conflict is Putin’s Kremlin, not Russian citizens, who are mostly innocent victims of the Kremlin’s geopolitical propaganda. I imagine that the more the world piles on ignorant Russian citizens, the more Russian citizens are likely to side with their corrupt government.


Kraken36 t1_j245szu wrote

not Russian citizens, who are mostly innocent victims"

Yeah that's a bit of a stretch... Even if let's say.. 40% of the population opped the war it would be over. The vast majority support Putin, the citizens are just as guilty


drbwaa t1_j24rd87 wrote

There is a vast gulf between "oppose the war" and "brave enough to be executed and your family conscripted".


GombaPorkolt t1_j27zrz9 wrote

This. People tend to forget that in Russia, the rules of pretty much the ex-Soviet Union apply. You speak ill/stand up against the interests of the state, you still get fucked beyond belief, and your family, too.

It's not just as simple as "you either oppose it and stand up against it, or you are for it".


rendrr t1_j24x61z wrote

You've said nothing. There is no anchor to a real world data in anything of what you said.


[deleted] t1_j24hwce wrote



kpickyiv t1_j25x3k7 wrote

Believe me, it just pisses us off further.


kpickyiv t1_j25x9m1 wrote

And there is plenty of support in Ukraine. Everyone is working toward victory


Shuber-Fuber t1_j271f3g wrote

And it holds true historically.

Hell, survey post-WW2 showed that Japanese civilians didn't want to surrender despite having 2 fucking nukes dropped on them.


Shuber-Fuber t1_j2714ak wrote

Not really.

Nazi V-2 bombardment of England didn't lead to capitulation.

Neither did the firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo.

Neither did the two nuclear bombs dropped lead to civilians giving up (post war survey showed that the civilian population wanted to keep defending), it was the military after that and the threat of Soviet Union invading.

Targeting civilian targets rarely worked, because they know instinctually that if the enemy does that in war they will do worse afterward.

The best way to win war? Don't target civilians. Target military only, and force said military to be the "bad guy" trying to extract resources from civilian sectors. Vietnam War inadvertently showed that against the US. From the US perspective, Vietcong only targeted soldiers (even if for no other reason than that they have no means to target the US), and US civilians forced the military to give up despite the US military winning the war on the ground.


throwawayidknything t1_j24gg10 wrote

Why would they waste their missiles on civilian targets?


Mackem101 t1_j24j6i3 wrote

Terror, they want the Ukrainian people to pressure Zelensky to surrender in an attempt to save Ukrainian lives.

Unfortunately for Putin, it's created a 'fuck you' mentality instead.

Even if Russia eventually 'win', it will become an insurgent filled hellhole for Russian troops and politicians.


Vineyard_ t1_j24soga wrote

Strategic bombing famously never works if the goal is to demoralize the population into surrender, and only works if the bombing is sustained and constant if the goal is to damage war production capacity.

In the case of Ukraine, that second point isn't even relevant because the production that keeps Ukraine in this war isn't happening in Ukraine.

It's also much easier for NATO governments to justify providing more assistance to Ukraine if Russia indiscriminately murders civilians, making this whole thing an even worse idea than it normally is.


Skyrick t1_j267b7w wrote

People do it for the same reason we still torture people. It’s appeal is how simple the logic is behind it. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t work. The concept of why it should work is simple enough that people will continue to try it for all of eternity.


szReyn t1_j26yrz0 wrote

Throwing dead cows into a sieged city could work. Citizens trapped inside walls and being forced to deal with the disease, inability to bring in more food, and rampant disease. It might not make them surrender, but it could passively kill enough they could no longer defend.

But in the modern day this stands no chance of working. The conditions don't exist for that possibility l. Instead it depletes your reserves, emboldens your enemy, and makes them fight harder.

And in this case it doesn't even reduce your enemies war capacity. Ukraine is being fed their war material. They don't need anywhere near as much local production. On the other hand, no one is feeding Russia any significant amount of war material and cannot produce it as fast as they are using/losing it.

Russia is still fighting as if it's the 1600's. And when you look at their history? It's really no surprise. They've been fucked since the black death.


acebandaged t1_j250wk7 wrote

Because the goal isn't only to demilitarize and absorb Ukraine, it's also to remove ethnic Ukranians and replace them with Russians. The genocide is the primary goal, the military action is just a part of that plan.


MGMAX t1_j2525h2 wrote

Which is stupid in it's own right, it's like if China killed every single Taiwanese and annexed the island. Yeah, you got the land, but it's absolutely worthless now without people who lived there and everyone hates you.


sold_snek t1_j255tp9 wrote

But the next generation will hate less. The one after even less so. For an entire country, it's a long-term win.


Shuber-Fuber t1_j26zqwt wrote

Assuming your country survives the generation and didn't break apart like the Soviet Union.


SidewaysFancyPrance t1_j250ofp wrote

This is pure terrorism, which benefits Russia in many ways. Strategically, it diverts a lot of Ukrainian resources towards protecting and evacuating civilians from areas where they should be pretty safe, away from the front lines. Russia wants to disrupt Ukraine's advantages on the battlefield (better training, better equipment, higher morale, stronger will to fight) by keeping them spread thinly and reacting to civilian catastrophes.

Attacking civilian populations is a war crime for good reason: it's effective and is a cheap/obvious strategy for anyone who does not care if the enemy population lives or dies. It's for truly evil people.


Jerthy t1_j253cun wrote

Standart terror tactics seen in Chechnya and Syria and also the fact that Russian intel is dogshit and can't find any military targets past first week of war where they landed hits on some of the static military infrastructure.


thestoryteller69 t1_j27errc wrote

Psychologically it's supposedly to terrorise Ukraine into surrender. Militarily it's to make them devote more resources to clearing the damage, to force Ukraine to move anti missile batteries away from the front lines and into cities and to make Ukraine use up its missiles on defence as well. What most commentators feel is the primary reason, though, is that the war is going so badly for Russia that nationalist groups in Russia are criticising the government and the military. Destroying civilian targets is a way for Russia to show those nationalists that it's doing something successfully instead of just getting its butt kicked on the front lines.


pinetreesgreen t1_j25owc4 wrote

Bc they want to make the country unlivable so folks leave. Also, bc they like killing Ukrainians.


rufus148 t1_j24uq77 wrote

They don't. Their missiles is both less accurate and by now every signal get jammed. They would rather blow up a substation or power infrastructure and make 15000 suffer than blow a random person up.

Or missile gets blown up on its way and crash land on a house


cyferhax t1_j24y6w5 wrote

Umm their repeated targeting of schools and hospitals, along with infrastructure seems to disprove that.

This is also why they will lose. Ukraine is going after targets that weaken Russia's ability to attack them.

Russia is going after civilians with their missiles and rockets. All this is doing is pissing the Ukrainian people off, and not impacting their ability to fight back against the invaders.

Russia is a terrorist state. Period. Run by a Mafia; and all they have to offer, besides gas and oil, is blood and death.