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Cosack t1_j2edysv wrote

That's not discrimination. From my comment on the other time you linked this article in this thread...

Tl;dr on the article, complaining that Ukraine won't drop Ukrainian language requirements for minority groups nor give them special legislative representation. Some examples are...

  • an independent e.g. Romanian newspaper can't operate out of Ukraine without publishing everything in both Ukrainian and Romanian, and the Ukrainian government won't sponsor the translation for them just so they can meet the requirement
  • a Ukrainian village that happens to be largely e.g. Romanian speaking can't fully convert everything to Romanian without also including Ukrainian, the country's language--even after a local government vote to do so
  • an e.g. Romanian minority group does not get legal priority when considering other legislation, nor gets its own special legislative representation

All this is not quite in the spirit of full proactive support for freedom of speech, but it's a very far cry from anything authoritarian or discriminatory. Replace Romanian with Russian in the examples, and I think the problem with the asks becomes immediately obvious.


cuelos t1_j2ehghh wrote

Tldr: whiney bitching from Romania ?^^