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blitz6900 t1_j2ezb3t wrote

There is no political reconciliation to be had with people like this? How does anyone meet in the middle of any issue with people who say "HURR DURR EU = HITLER"?


[deleted] t1_j2f1zr6 wrote



ThePandorica0pens t1_j2f4lug wrote

>I also dislike Putin, but he's not laundering billions a month of other's country's money in the name of his tyranny.

No, he's only committing genocide and other war crimes.

>He's at least funding his jaded version of leadership with his own country's revenue.

No he's not.

>Peace negotiations were tabled within 30 days of the conflict. It wasn't Russia that refused peace six or seven times now.

Essentially it was. By refusing to leave, and refusing to give back occupied territory, he's not coming to the table in good faith.

You honestly sound like a Russian troll.


JD_Blaze t1_j2fml1o wrote

War Crimes on both sides, Ukraine's military action war crimes started in 2014. Amnesty International covered them in detail.

Yes, he is.

Essentially it was not.

Your blind & ignorant tolerance to propaganda is apparent.

There never needed to be any war. If NATO had allowed Ukraine to simply follow the 2014 Minsk Agreements, but Ukraine had disregarded & collasped them by 2015 at the behest of the Council On Foreign Relations & Threats to withhold funding (Ukraine's govt has long run on other countries money - supposedly)

Again, I have no interest in finding middle ground with stupid people like you, who have not looked into the actions & policies & sources of funding, actions, & policies that brought about & escalated this conflict.


D1rty87 t1_j2f4017 wrote

Nah dude, you gotta admit that guy burned you so fucking good.