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lumach68 t1_j2f3ow9 wrote

You post often condemning the US and other “capitalist” countires and praise the USSR, China, and North Korea, and openly make false statements such as this one, tell me how you think north Korea invading the south was not the first punch. The whole reason there was two in the first place was under Japanese occupation it got invaded by the USSR and the US on both sides. And the only reason there’s two now is China didn’t allow North Korea to get conquered. So if you wanna go back further to prove it then you can’t blame solely the US. Please do not respond with communist or North Korean apologetics, you cannot tell me in good faith North Korea is in any realm better than the south. I feel for the people forced to live in that nightmare.

Edit: Autocorrect changed a word


Super_Duper_Shy t1_j2f95zg wrote

You said it yourself when you said China didn't let North Korea get conquered. The US wanted to conquer all of Korea, and the "first punch" was when the US arbitrarily divided the country, and conquered the south.


lumach68 t1_j2fjch6 wrote

The North wanted to conquer all of South Korea, it invaded to do as much. The UN was defending a sovereign nation from being invaded. Go live in North Korea and see if you enjoy your time there, instead of South Korea, such a horrible fate that befell upon them by the big bad US. /s If you couldn’t tell. The line was also agreed upon by both the US and the USSR. Unless of course you’re implying the USSR had to bend to the will of the United States and accept such a divide. I’m sure based on what you’ve been saying that’s what you meant. The line was meant to be a temporary measure, but the Cold War prolonged that and know here we are 77 years later. After this response if you reply back with willfully incorrect history or outright lies I will ignore it.


VideogamerDisliker t1_j2fnniw wrote


I think you mean liberate, in the same way North Vietnam wanted to liberate the south


Super_Duper_Shy t1_j2fn2lh wrote

The south was not a sovereign country, they were being ruled by a US installed dictator who was killing many of his own people (look up the Jeju Uprising for one example). I'm not talking about living in North Korea today, I'm talking about the Korean War and the history of US aggression and the influences that has. North Korea was objectively more free and prosperous than South Korea until the fall of the Soviet Union. You have to remember that after Syngman Rhee was overthrown South Korea was ruled by a military junta until the 80s.
