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die_a_third_death t1_j1vkfwl wrote

Germany surprisingly a lot higher than I assumed


Sticky_Robot t1_j1vktyq wrote

I think it came down to

  1. WW2 bombers were notoriously inaccurate, it required hundreds of bombers to take out one factory.

  2. Factories of the time period were relatively simple, and could be rebuilt or just moved somewhere else.


FROOMLOOMS t1_j1vqlko wrote

Also, most machines in that Era were all analog and built of 1000's of pounds of cast steel and plate, unless a bomb smoked the thing nose on, you could largely replace the belts and machine out the pock marks/replace a shaft or two and youre golden.


sillypicture t1_j1w3wh4 wrote

wasn't there still a ginormous amount of civilian deaths to firestorms of dresden and similar?


Mrsod2007 t1_j1xrcqk wrote

Also, Germany was hit way worse by the great depression than almost any other country


OdinTheHugger t1_j209g7k wrote

There's also the factor of modern economies being largely services based, with production taking place at a massive and centralized scale.

That and the mass exodus of women and children into Poland and other surrounding countries.

Poland needs to be recognized in a big way after this war is over. They invited in over 2 million Ukrainian women and children, feeding, clothing, and housing them in arrangements that go from houses/apartments sharing with individual Polish families all the way up to mass government housing and relief shelters.

All while they're giving Ukraine everything they can spare in terms of war gear.

That's a HUGE penalty on any nations economy, and an even bigger risk in case of additional hardships.

And Poland took that on for Ukraine. It's must be a hell of a lot easier to fight a war when they know their families are safe and sound.


Alt-One-More t1_j1vqoa0 wrote

Another commenter mentioned how Germany's looting and exploitation of neighboring countries helped prop up their GDP a lot.


Ycx48raQk59F t1_j1w8lcp wrote

Its easy to forget than in end if 1944/ beginning of 1945, despite long bombing campaigns and resource shortage, miltiary production was at its peak in germany.


kehaarcab t1_j1zhvoz wrote

With 1938 as base, one has to remember that until the winter 42-43, Germany was winning and had an economy that was growing. So they lost not just 12%, but 4 years of heavy, early war buildup as well. To compare, in that same timeframe, (38-42) the US GDP grew 50%.