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PestyNomad t1_j21q873 wrote

The whole world is so fucking amped up to fight the ever living shit out of each other. The whole planet feels like a powder keg.


Turythefox t1_j2319wu wrote

History repeating itself . The world was like this before WW1.


cesgjo t1_j2a13cg wrote

Personally, i highly doubt WW3 will happen tho

There are so many wars happening right now. But the reason why nobody calls these "WW3" is because all of these are proxy wars by powerful nations

For example, the ongoing civil war in Yemen is actually a "war" between Iran and Saudi Arabia. One faction gets supplied by Saudi Arabia, and then the other faction gets supplied by Iran. So basically it's an "informal" or "proxy" war between Saudi Arabia and Iran

There are so many wars, conflicts, and insurgencies all across the Middle East and Africa. In almost all of them, you'll be able to trace at least two powerful countries supplying different groups and militias with various weapons.

Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey all participate in proxy wars across the Middle East. France is involved in Africa. The US almost everywhere

Superpowers rarely participate in traditional wars anymore, they just pit groups against each other to fight their wars for them. Putin just broke this trend by saying "fuck it, let's invade Ukraine", but i doubt other superpowers will follow suit