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Forrestgardener t1_j1j2174 wrote

Every country in the world should abandon those miserable assholes. No companies, no aid, no nothing.


Primordial_Cumquat t1_j1jjhis wrote

There’s almost no other way to help the Afghan people at this point. NGOs were the only real go-between left as a working option after the Taliban took back over.


TheRedHand7 t1_j1kk0vr wrote

The question is if the aid is really worth anything given that the Taliban will simply steal anything of value and continue to make it more and more difficult to reach the folks in need with what little remains.


Primordial_Cumquat t1_j1klunf wrote

That’s really the hope the world started banking on after the withdrawal…. Text book example of wishing in one hand.


Charlesfreck550 t1_j1k49nv wrote

What is an NGO


LessGoooo t1_j1k6n89 wrote

Non-Governmental Organization. Think international charities, contractors, or aid groups that support civilians or governments in underdeveloped or war-torn regions of the world.


technofederalist t1_j1k2u9g wrote

Weirdly a lot of the Taliban actually grew up in Pakistan. They speak a different dialect than most Afghans.