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noobsalsa42 t1_j6aeydz wrote

We've had a housing crisis here for years before the ukraine war as well as a floundering health system and just stretched resources across the board. The only government department that is run well is, ironically, the revenue commissioners who collect taxes.

The increased influx of ukrainian refugees as well as the usual trickle from the rest of the world has put additional strain in these areas. The government has known of these issues for some time and will continue to accept asylum seekers and refugees even though the dog on the street knows we are at breaking point.

There are some who will tell you that there is 160,000 vacant properties in ireland. What they dont tell you is that these properties, for some reason or another, are detalict and are not suitable for habitation.


mrstubali t1_j6ak0qt wrote

I can't speak for Ireland, though housing costs have become completely out of control. Even the most predatory realtor that I know strongly advocates for affordable housing. Particularly when supposed "affordable housing units" mysteriously become "luxury condos" overnight. It's almost like "economic forces" don't even act like economic forces anymore. They don't even care about making a lot of money on the housing, they just want to ruin the cost of living, get reactionary responses from the government or whatever offices that oversee all of this. Then they will continue to appoint winners, and then build on their failures by advocating for more restrictions and have an interest on sitting on a situation that is tenuous at best.


MrJenzie t1_j6antr1 wrote




Fast-Personality1348 t1_j6cam0w wrote

It’s not the Irish people’s responsibility to house foreigners in their country. If they don’t have the means to live there then they shouldn’t be there.


RuaridhDuguid t1_j6dhr68 wrote

AFAIK there has also been an increase in refugees coming in from the UK, escaping their scheme to ship them off to Rwanda. Not sure how many area actually doing this, granted, but it's poor timing for them to be added into the mix.