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pzerr t1_j6drxmf wrote

Energy policy in the West is a complete shit show. We are crippling our oil industry resulting in countries like Russia becoming energy giants. And the results of an emboldened Russia is pretty clear now.

We need to save like Norway in that we encourage clean energy while maintaining our fossil fuel industries. That is until clean energy can actually displace it world wide.


[deleted] t1_j6dwl93 wrote



pzerr t1_j6fdner wrote

We could easily be producing far more taking world markets from Russia, Saudi Arabia etc. The US canceled Keystone alone resulting in oil now coming from Venezuela. This is incredible dangerous and short sighted.


[deleted] t1_j6flaxu wrote



pzerr t1_j6g5gvv wrote

Of course it adds to lack of supply. Reducing that method of transport just makes investment in North America that much less. As we seeing, that investment is being made by countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia...